ch. 15

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palebluenjh: i never knew i was capable of loving someone with so much passion

choncefounder: to be loved; and to be in love


the atmosphere smelt like peppermint and baby powder. the beds were un-made and the pillows were scattered on the ground.

"nicole, why is it like this?" i asked, my breath hitched at the sight of calvin klein boxers on a lamp.

"well, the girls and i were just having some fun..." nicole replied, slightly confused. "i don't understand why it's any of your concern-"

"-no nicole, us. our friendship. honestly, what the hell happened?"

nicole shut her eyes in fustration and sat on her messy bed, i followed. "we were the best of friends, for so long too. and it's all gone?" i soon added.

"aurora it's like this because we couldn't handle living together."

"but i enjoyed it."

"and so did i. but i guess- it didn't turn out well. we both couldn't handle the rent, and everything was too much. we're both so young, we should just continue living with our families or in our dormitories."

i sighed, "that doesn't mean we should stop talking."

"you're right, but i do think we need a break."


"just a little break, that is all."

"o-oh okay, y-yeah sure," i blinked, more than once in like, less than a second. i quickly stood up, immediately regretting it because i became light headed. i felt insanely dizzy.

"are you okay, aurora?"

"i-i'm fine. i gotta go to w-work, i'll see you later."

"oh my god, you have a job!-"

"-no." "-that's great." we both said different things at the same time.

we stared at each other for a long minute, before i finally rushed out of the room down the steps and out the front door to my car.

i see nicole's small -but taller than mine- frame standing in the front porch, waving bye. i smiled as a reply, but soon coming realization that she can't really see my smile. i shook my head and started my car, not knowing where to go.

i drove pass my mother's house and on to the highway. letting the wind take me wherever. i knew the further i drove, the more lost i was getting on the road. but i guess it didn't bother me, i guess i didn't care, and i guess i was doing this on purpose.


palebluenjh: i don't think there's a reason to live any longer

choncefounder: No baby please , please don't say that

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