ch. 28

124 10 7

hey bitches guess who's back

choncefounder: r u stil mad ?

me: no

choncefounder: r u lying

me: maybe

choncefounder: i dont see y

me: you don't see why i'd be upset at you because you don't wanna meet me?

choncefounder: well when ya put it like tht

me: just leave me alone.

choncefounder: gimme ur #

me: wtf nick

choncefounder: we've known eachother for a year and i jst came to realisation tht we dont have eachother's numbers

me: and?

choncefounder: shouldn't we have eachother's numbers before we meet ? tht's like a no brainier

me: we won't meet tho?

choncefounder: tht's true

me: ok [insert random ass number]

choncefounder: thnx :)
choncefounder: does this mean u arent mad at me anymore ?

me: i guess so

choncefounder: good, i'll text you after i get off of work ok ?

me: wtf work is for 50 year olds

choncefounder: maybe i'll sleep afterwards idk

me: how old are you tf

choncefounder: 22

me: i thought you said you were 20?

choncefounder: wait i am

me: do you not know your own age?

choncefounder: i'm 20 lol
choncefounder: gtg bye

me: k bye

direct message ♡ njhWhere stories live. Discover now