Will's P.O.V.

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Will gently shook Nico, who was curled into a right ball. "Hey. Wake up." Nico turned and shoved his face into the pillow, waking up slightly, but refusing to acknowledge it. "Nico. Come on, we have to get some stuff done.'"

At this, Nico rubbed his eyes sleepily, sat up, and looked at Will, blinking slowly. "There we go. Now, I'm going to go ahead and put this on you, just for safety." Will carefully slipped and oxygen mask around Nico's face, making sure to untuck the piece of hair that got caught in it.  "Apollo said he sped up the healing a bit, but just to be safe."

"What did you do?" Nico asked, pushing the oxygen mask a little higher up onto his face. Will switched on the oxygen and grabbed the chart from the edge of the bed before he plopped down next to Nico.

"You had some weird things going on last night. We had to empty your lungs because of fluid." Will responded, taking his stethoscope off from around his neck. He put it on Nico's back. "Breathe."

Will listened closely, straining to hear any chance of the black liquid that had filled Nico's lungs earlier. Smiling, he realized that he couldn't hear anything- a decently good sign. He made a note to still look further into it though.

"Alright. Let me see that arm of yours." Nico pushed up his sleeve slightly, showing the infected gashes. Will nodded, pushing around it softly. "Kay. Tell me when it hurts."

Will pushed around the edges of the area, waiting for Nico to complain or show any signs of pain, but he didn't. Will narrowed his eyes, looking at the gashes closer.

Since they had been caused by a magical creature, they could be causing different side effects than what he was used to.

Will glanced at Nico, who still sat straight ahead with a blank face, before pressing right next to one of the cuts. Hard.

"WHY." Nico slapped his hand away and hugged his arm closer to him. Will raised his eyebrows at Nico, who glared at him.

"I'm assuming that hurt."

"Well no dip Sherlock." Nico huffed slightly, pulling his sleeve down. Will shook his head slowly, pulling it back up.

"We have to fix it before it gets worse. I'll have to go get some people to help me though. And some food." Will told him, setting his chart down. "I'll get you some too. What would you like?"

"Not hungry." Nico replied blatantly. Will narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. Nico needed to eat, that was clearly evident- even without taking his weight.

"No. It's not going to work that way. You're going to eat, and then we're going to get your arm healed up." Will commanded, narrowing his eyes even more.

"Look. If you're going to do anything with my arm, you don't want me eating beforehand." Will's eyebrows shot up, and he finally got the message.

"So they make you nauseated?" Will asked, looking at the gashes again. Nico nodded, pushing some of his hair to the side. Will pursed his lips, thinking. "I can give you some medicine that will help with the nausea beforehand, then I guess we can eat afterwards." Will was anxious of this plan though. Even though he had done magical healing without good before, it wasn't exactly what he liked to call 'pleasant.'

But if it worked for the patient....

Then he would do whatever it takes.

After giving Nico the medicine for the nausea, Will went to go leave. "I'll go grab Kayla. Be back in a minute or so."  Will walked out of the room and down the hallway. The infirmary had been rebuilt when the camp gained more cabins, which was better because it now functioned as more of a hospital than a hallway with cots. As he entered the front room, a group of the others turned and looked at him like he had just defeated a monster.  Will raised and eyebrow and stopped in his tracks. "...yes?"

They all shrugged and went back to their work, but Will got the overall message. Nico was dangerous, and was someone to fear. Even though he really wasn't a threat to anyone who lived in this camp. In fact, he was more a threat to himself.

Kayla popped her head up from under the desk, pulling out a pile of papers. "Hey Kayla. You researching again?"

"Oh. Yeah. I'm looking at skin conditions next. Funfunfun!" She rolled her eyes with a smile, pushing the pile to the side and leaning forward. "What'cha need, Will?"

"I gotta heal some injuries on Nico's arm from when he was out. Werewolf claws don't seem to be very kind to him." Kayla nodded, and Will could see that she was trying to push aside a bit of unease.

"Yeah. I got ya." She went around the edge of the desk and started walking back to the room with Will. "Have you ate yet?" Will shook his head, and Kayla deadpanned. "Will."

"Yeah yeah I know. I was going to eat with Nico afterwards though. I'm a little worried about his eating habits, and I was gonna make sure he ate." Kayla narrowed her eyes suspiciously. After a few moments, she sighed and crossed her arms.

"Fine. Let's do this. Just I'm case you pass out, what do you want to eat?" Kayla asked, as they neared the room.

"Uh. Get me something high in protein or something." Will answered, and walked in through the door. There Nico sat, still staring blankly at nothing. "Alright Nico. Time to heal you." Nico snapped back into reality, and nodded.

Kayla grabbed the chair from the corner and plopped it down behind Will, nodding her head to signal that she was ready.

Will began softly murmuring the words to the healing process under his breath, holding his hands over Nico's arm. His hands began shaking about a quarter of the way through, and he felt Kayla move a little closer, getting ready to catch him if he fell.

A warm glow began to surround Nico's arm, putting his pale skin into a high contrast. Put of the corner of his eye, Will could see Nico scrunching his face in pain, but keeping his arm still as best he could.

Darkness surrounded the edge of the warm glow, and Will strengthened the magic, completely certain he would heal the claw marks. As he did so, however, he began to see black dots cloud his vision.  

"Will..." Kayla warned, trying to get him to stop before something worse happened, but Will kept going. He didn't know how the werewolf marks would react to not being completely healed right away. They could end up getting worse and spiking up in infection. 

At last, the gashes were healed. Kayla managed to grab Will by the shoulders before his legs gave out, and sat him in the chair.

"Thanks Kayla." Will murmured, trying to get to room to stay still. He felt Kayla rub his back before running out to go get the two some food.

Will looked up slowly at Nico, who had his head in his hands, and was alarmingly pale. A slight aura of darkness surrounded him, and Will scooted towards him a bit, getting ready in case the darkness tried to take him again.

"You okay there?" He asked the other boy, who lifted his head slightly.

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

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