Will's P.O.V.

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Will watched Nico eat carefully. While the boy seemed as though he didn't want to eat based off of his light weight and frail body, he was eating fine now. Will wondered why Nico was so thin.

"Why are you looking at me like that." Will was brought out of his thoughts by the other boy, who was giving him a questioning look.

"Just doing doctors things." Will replied, but he felt himself starting to fluster. How long exactly had he been staring at him?

"Yeah okay." Nico took another bite of his food, chewing thoughtfully. "So I'll probably be here longer than anticipated?" Will shrugged in response. Nico narrowed his eyes and stared blankly ahead. "So sword fighting is out of the option until I'm released."

"YES." Will answered, before noticing the growing grin on the other boys face. "Nico oh my gods."

"So can I do anything?" Nico asked, setting his food down next to him on the bed. "Cause if not, I have literally nothing else to do."

"I'm sure you have something to do." Will argued, glancing at the food that was still in the container. It was about half, but that was probably Nico's extent right now.


"You can go do arts and crafts."

"Oh heck no."

Will raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with arts and crafts?"

Nico frowned. "I don't like them." Will felt himself grin slightly.

"And why don't you like them?"

"Cause I don't. Never have."

Will nodded, tapping his foot. "Alright alright. I see." He stood up and stretched, popping his arms and back. "Well, currently, you're one of two patients of mine. So I gotta check on the other one real quick."

Nico raised an eyebrow. "You only have two patients? Don't the other people have more?"

"Yeah. But I only take the ones that others aren't comfortable with." Will shrugged.

"Oh. Well, have fun with the other patient. I'll be in here. Looking at this nice wall."

Will let out a breathy laugh as he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Walking down the hallway, he sighed as he opened the door to a room. There, a small girl lay in the bed, wires and tubes attached to her. Her face was pale and her eyes were sunken in. Her brown hair fell limp and tired.

Will hated this room. Will hated this room with a passion. And this girl must too. But how would he know if she never woke up?

Will checked the girls vitals. Same as always. He shook her shoulder gently, priding her with his voice for her to wake up. Same result as the many times he had tried before.

As always, Will walked out of the room in defeat. There was a reason why none of the others had gone with this patient. And Will never wished they had. He did wish that he could cure her though. That was all he wanted.

Right then, Kayla walked by, slightly green. "Hey, Kayla, you okay?" Will grabbed her by the arm, and she took a deep breathe, trying to calm her stomach.

"You should go help with the case in room ten." With that, she walked briskly towards the back door. Will stared after her in confusion before turning around and jogging towards room ten. There, a crowd of doctors stood at the door.

"Is this one of the cases that you guys want me to take, or..."

When Will walked into the room, he knew it was going to be a long day.

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