Quick Talk

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So. Before everyone freaks out I'm not ending the book. I'm going to finish it. It's all good.

When I started this book, my goal was to accomplish something that I wanted to be able to read myself. This story is what I wanted so so badly. I wanted to know how they interacted with each other and how Nico and Will came to be. I'm so thrilled that everyone is enjoying it. I'm so excited that everyone is liking it.

That being said, I am so sorry I haven't been updating. On top of my normal crazy schedule, with extra curricular activities and advanced classes, I haven't had a whole ton of time to update. A lot has also happened in my personal life on top of that, none of which I want to disclose at this time, but I will assure everyone that it's all okay now. Most of it was all emotions and high school and stress and friendships, so it probably won't matter later on down the road.  It was just hard to handle at that time. I couldn't find it in myself to update and continue to write, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry to you all, as well as myself, because I stopped making something that I wanted to put out into the world. 

I wanted to update you all on what happened. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated. I read through all the comments I see when I log back in. I saw a comment that mentioned Infinity War, and Endgame is being re-released soon. Like, guys I haven't in updated in so long I am SO sorry. I will be trying to update as soon as I can. I really will. I haven't lost the plan for this story - it's been tucked in the back of my mind since I started it.

So, I'll update soon! I'm sorry for keeping all of you waiting, and thank you so much for sticking with it. There's so much more to come.

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