Will's P.O.V.

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After Will had finished eating, he stretched, his back popping. Nico was still finishing up his food - picking at the fruit hesitantly. "Is it bad?" Will asked, raising an eyebrow.

Nico shrugged. "No, I don't think so? Maybe it's a weird... maybe I hung out with Persephone a little too much," Nico trailed off, before shrugging and popping a grape into his mouth. Will found himself smiling slightly.

"So what do you want to do today? You seem to be feeling much better, but don't push yourself," Will advised. "I don't know how you did it, but you're better and I'm not fixing you again."

Nico smirked. "Okay whatever you say. What if we go for a walk," Nico suggested, wriggling his toes. "I've been laying down for so long."

"Alright we can do that. Let's go."

After a few minutes, which included Will having to help Nico brush out the back of his hair because a huge knot had formed, they were out in the sunshine. Will looked over to see Nico squinting, but smiling happily as he looked around. The sun was shining off of Nico's freshly washed hair and making his skin glow. He didn't see like a child of the Underworld at all.

"Hey, do you think I'll ever tan again?" Nico asked suddenly, disrupting Will's thoughts.

"What?" Will asked, incredibly confused.

"Well," Nico started, a blush rising slightly to his face. "I used to tan pretty easy, but now, after everything I'm just..."

Will laughed. Nico glared.

"Sorry, sorry," Will sputtered. "Youll tan again. You probably just need some time for your body to heal and some iron. Probably lots of iron."

Nico nodded thoughtfully, before going back to observing the world around him. Will shook his head, smiling. Out of all of the things to be worried about, Nico was worried about that?

"Nico!" Will turned just in time to see Nico practically get tackled by a blond haired blur. "Are you doing better?" It was Jason.

Nico laughed, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "Yeah I feel a lot better. I'm back in my cabin and I feel great. How are you?"

Will's attention drifted as Jason and Nico continued to talk. He hadn't checked on his other patient in a while, but he knew that when her chart wasn't marked off daily that Kayla would check for him. But still...

"We should go to your cabin," Nico offered, walking over to where Will had slowly wandered to. "That way you can get cleaned up. I feel bad that you've been taking care of me so much without letting you take care of yourself." 

"Oh. You know what that's a great idea," Will agreed, starting off in the direction of the Apollo cabin. "I think that maybe you'll be okay to be on your own tonight as long as you continue to feel okay."

Nico smiled. "So it's almost time for freedom?," he teased.

"I didn't think I was that bad."

"You're not."

"I hope so."

Arriving at the cabin, Will quickly stepped inside and grabbed a fresh set of clothes before rushing to the showers. He hadn't realized it, but there was a gradual headache overtaking the back of his head. Will sighed, knowing good and well that he had a tension headache beginning to form.

It had been a stressful series of events. Almost magically Nico had healed - but everything that was happening was magic. Or something of that sort? It would make sense for it to heal up on it's own like that, especially since the cause was unknown.

But something was still bothering Will. Why were those marks still on his arms? He looked down at his arms and scrubbed at them with soap. The small purple dots where the shadows had gotten him stayed. It just didn't make sense.

Will got dressed quickly before running outside. Nico was gone. Will felt a tinge of panic begin in his chest before he heard a sneeze. Quietly walking around the edge of the Apollo cabin, he saw Nico.

Nico had sat down in the grass and was watching the bees float between the small flowers in the grass. They were clumsy bumbles, bumping into each other and flying haphazardly through the air. Will smiled and sat down with him.

"Sorry, just got tired of standing," Nico apologized, turning towards Will. "I didn't want anyone to see me and think there was something wrong so I sat down over here."

Will laughed. "It's no problem. Are you feeling okay still?"

Nico nodded. "Yeah I feel great. We should go join the others for dinner tonight," he suggested, picking a dandelion from the grass and gently rubbing his hands across the fluff.

Will pondered on this for a moment. Again, Nico seemed fine and there physically was nothing that would say he was still sick. "Yeah okay we can do that. But let me know if you're not feeling well."

Nico grinned. "Okay, will do, Doctor." Will turned quickly to see Nico's eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Oh boy here we go," Will chuckled, standing up before offering a hand to Nico. Nico took the hand graciously, and they headed for another lap around the camp before dinner.

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