Will's P.O.V.

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Will looked around, trying to figure out where Nico and Kayla could have possibly gone to within the chaos. More of the injured were still coming in, which meant that the fighting outside was still present. Will sighed in frustration, knowing that they could be anywhere and he'd never know.

"Will, she's flatlining." Kayla's panicked voice cut through his thoughts as she grabbed his arm and started to drag him down the hall of rooms. "I don't know how he knew, but he knew and she's dying."

"Who knew? Nico?" Will asked, trying to catch up to the current situation. Kayla nodded, beckoning a couple more of their siblings to follow. She had finally let go of Will's arm to quickly grab some supplies.

"Yeah, Nico. He really shouldn't have shadow traveled us there though. He looks terrible, Will." They entered the room, and while Will knew, logically, he should be rushing over to the frail girl who was currently flatlining, he found himself rushing over to Nico instead.

Nico was shaking with exhaustion, his eyes held in a squint as he looked at the girl in confusion. His lips were almost transparent now, and his skin was too pale for comfort. Veins sat under his skin, their blue color cutting through the paleness of his face. Nico's eyes weren't completely focused it seemed, as he went between squinting and blinking rapidly.

Will crouched in front of Nico, catching him off-guard. "Again, I remember you telling me something along the lines of 'I won't push myself too much,' but here we are again," Will scolded, pulling out a piece of ambrosia and handing it to Nico. "Eat this." Nico took it from him, frowning.

"She's dying."

"Honestly, you probably are too. Eat it."

Turning once Nico had taken a bite of the ambrosia, Will began to provide input in order to save the girl. The patient he hadn't been able to help. Will felt a bitterness twist in his chest. Maybe if he had done something more? But there was nothing more he could have done, Will reminded himself. He had tried everything he could, and she wouldn't wake.

And now she was dying.

Will fell backwards when a shot of pain hit his knee. Looking over, Will's heart sunk in realization. Nico's hands were faint outlines of what they used to be. Around him, shadows surrounded him, lashing out at his surroundings. Will grabbed his arms, trying to find a way to help despite the burning as the shadows wrapped around his arms.

Nico was incredibly, terrifyingly cold.

"Will, you need to go help her," Nico wheezed out. He had begun to cough again, though this time they sounded dry and painful. Will considered the former situation, remembering how black fluid had filled Nico's lungs, and decided that this might be a bit better.

"I need to help you," Will countered, trying to scrape the corners of his mind for any idea on how to help Nico. Anything.

"You need to help her. If you can help her, then you can help me."

Will remembered the last time Nico had warned him of death. It had benefited Nico after the camper had been healed and helped, but this seemed different. Nico's eyes held a specific tone of uncertainty that Will couldn't place.

But there wasn't anything more that Will could do for Nico besides trust him.

Will gave a small nod, his heart aching as he stood up and walked away from Nico. Washing his hands quickly, Will walked over swiftly to the bed, where his siblings were still desperately trying to save his patient.

This was his patient, and he wasn't going to let her go.

Will dived in on the attempt, his hands already glowing in the effort to heal. He was a healer, Will reminded himself.

A hiss of pain could be heard throughout the commotion, but Will knew that he couldn't lose focus. Kayla looked for him, however, and stepped back slightly. Through his concentration, Will could hear Kayla worriedly ask Nico what was wrong, but he wasn't able to hear Nico's response.

Kayla's hands wrapped around Will's wrists and yanked him back and away from the girl. Will stared down at his hands, the glow fading, before looking up at Kayla is confusion. Kayla shook her head, giving Will a worried glance. "Nico said that you needed to stop," was the only explanation she offered.

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