Nico's P.O.V.

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Nico felt an overwhelming sense of dread fall upon him. It covered his shoulders, wrapping around him like a suffocating blanket. His toes grew cold and he felt like the ground was about to rise up and swallow him whole.

"Nico, what's wrong? Are you dizzy again? You're getting kind of pale, maybe - here let's sit down," Will hurried, gently grabbing Nico's arm and trying to guide him to sit down. To both of their surprise, Nico let him.

Nico realized he had pushed himself a little too hard training. He had noticed his hands and arms shaking, but after their break it had calmed down. He had felt fine. He had been fine. Now, even his fingers shook. Something was definitely not right. The dread built in his chest, and Nico took in a deep breath to try and ease it.

"Did you push yourself too hard? I can get you to the infirmary or your cabin, whatever works for you. And then we can..." Nico stopped paying attention after that, realizing what this feeling was.

Someone could die. A lot of someones. The camp. Nico hurriedly looked around him, trying to stand up as quickly as possible without hitting Will, who was crouched next to him with a worried expression.

"Camp's in danger," Nico blurted, almost falling over as a result of trying to avoid knocking Will over. Will grabbed his arm and helped him up, a bewildered expression replacing the one of concern.

"What are you talking about? The camps just fine. We've got the Golden Fleece. Peleus is still guarding it," Will tried to reassure, still holding onto Nico's arm. "No one's in danger."

"No, Will, listen. Something is wrong. Everyone here is in danger," Nico uttered, his voice wavering. "You have to believe me on this."

Nico looked into unsure, blue eyes.

Will pursed his lips. "Is this a child of Hades thing?"


"Okay, let's go."

They sprinted through camp, trying to determine how to best spread the warning. Nico was stopped abruptly by Will grabbing his arm, pulling him to a stop. Will's hand was warm, Nico noted, and he let go as Jason ran up to the two of them.

"What's up? Why are we running so fast?" Jason asked, a slight grin on his face as he looked between the two. His face fell when he looked at Nico closely, his eyes landing on shaking hands, causing Nico to shove his hands in his pockets in response. Behind Jason, Nico could see Piper and Annabeth walking to catch up. "What's going on?"

"The camps in danger," Will stated, glancing over at Nico.

"I don't know why, but-" Nico was cut off with a quick nod from Jason.

"Got it." By this time, Annabeth and Piper had arrived, both of them looking in mild concern at the conversation in front of them. "We gotta get the camp ready," Jason warned them. "Nico said it's in danger."

"I'll go prep the campers," Annabeth said, already backing up to go do so.

"And I'm going to go warn the infirmary," Piper stated, looking over at Will who nodded.

Within seconds, they were both on the run to their chosen destinations. Nico looked at Jason, who looked back at him expectantly. Nico found himself grinning back at Jason.

"Thanks," Nico responded quietly.

"No problem. I trust you. Ride or die." Jason looked around him before returning back to Nico. "I'm going to go help prep the camp. Be safe, okay?"

Nico nodded as Jason smiled and turned before running off. He felt a hand fall on his shoulder and Nico turned to look at Will, whose eyebrows were drawn together in worry.

"I know you're not going to like this, but I'm not sure you're okay to fight," Will warned, keeping eye contact. "We just trained and you're still working on getting better."

Nico was about to respond that he would, in fact, be fine, until they both froze and looked at each other with wide eyes.

A shrill scream had cut through the camp.

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