chapter 1 ~ the orphanage

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My name is Flame. I really don't know why my "late" parents named me that. And yes I say "late" because I know they are not dead. Anyways, I'm 15 and I live here at the mixed minds orphanage. I absolutely hate this place. it's so creepy and old. I hate everyone here too. they're trying to change me. they call me crazy and think I'm in great need of help. I think they're in great need of a life. They need to worry about themselves and leave other people alone.

"I'm fine!!!!" I yelled at the nurse,Ms. McGuffin.

"you need your medicine, Flame." she said calmly.

"I'm NOT CRAZY!!!!" I started squirming.

"I am going to have to put you in the strap-in-chair if you don't stop moving!" her voice was starting to sound frustrated.

"AHHHH!!!! " I screamed and managed to get up and run away. she didn't bother coming after me, knowing that she couldn't catch me. I ran outside to the old garden. all the plants were dead since no one cared to water them.

"run away from the nurse again?" I didn't have to turned around to know who it was.

" why are you here? don't you know that this is my private comfort place? you know better than to bother me when I'm in this state of anger." I was really annoyed right now and I really didn't want people to bother me.

" Don't be so grouchy. I know that your really uncomfortable here but, you don't have to be mad at ME though."

That was Jack. Jack is my brother. He is here because he is related to me and they also think that he is as coo-coo as I am. I can tell you now that jack is not crazy. I'm not crazy either.

" They are holding us hostage I tell you."I said causing him to give me the weird eye look.

"they just don't want to let us go because they know we're special." jack said trying to make me feel better, unlike me, jack is very calm and barley ever yells. his temper isn't as short as mine and he is very optimistic. But I just think that he doesn't want to face reality. That he tries so hard to run away from the truth. Denial.

"How can you stand this place!?!" I spat out.

"I can't" jack said as he let out a chuckle.

"I hate this place just as much as you do Flame."

Just then, he started to groan.

"Jack! What's wrong!?"

I was fully aware of what was happening but I still wanted to know if it was true.

"My head hurts....... really bad."

His voice showed almost no emotion at all. Except for pain. Yep, you could hear that loud and clear.

"Your getting one of your visions again aren't you?"

I was worried because I knew how it felt to have visions like that. They actually hurt, not going to lie. After my brother was done with his head-fit, I asked him

"What did you see?"

He didn't answer. He looked like he was thinking real hard though.

"Sometimes I get them too."

"Get what?" He asked.

"Those visions when you know what you saw but don't know how to put them into words."

"Yeah those hurt extra bad don't they?" He let out a half smile. It was almost as if he was hiding something. It was like he knew what it was but just didn't want to tell me.


"Yeah Jack?"

He looked like he might have forgotten something important.

"Do you remember when we started all of this?"

"All of what?" I asked.

"When we started to get the visions. All I can remember was that we were very small. We were really young. I remember being really scared of it, but I don't remember when or how."

It took me awhile before I could remember the whole thing.

"Well I think it started when I was five and you were eight......"

"Yeah?" At that I was in a lost of words. I couldn't think of what else to say. He sounded so nice and innocent.

" I think we were sleeping and I started to cry. You heard me and went to my bed. You woke me up and we talked about it all night........."

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