Chapter 3 ~ Mistakes

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*continue flashback*

"FIRE!?!!??!!?!!" I screamed.

I couldn't believe it was a real fire. In OUR house! I think I was about to faint. I really thought I was in one of my horrible dreams again. I rubbed my eyes hard and tried to wake up from this horrible nightmare. I tried so hard. A rush of realization washed out on me. I realized that this isn't a dream. I also realized that...... I WOULD DIE IF I DIDN'T GET OUT OF HERE!!

I ran. Well, I tried to run. The fire was in front of me! It was spreading by the second too. I couldn't get out. If I ran through the fire, I would get burned. I didn't know what to do anymore. I looked around. Trying to find any other way to escape. None. Suddenly, I had an idea. I ran back in our room. A WINDOW! I could get out! But there was one problem. My room is three stories high. I wouldn't have a chance. I would die If I jumped. I started to think there was no hope left. That there was no way of getting out and I would die in here. The smoke started to get thicker. I couldn't really breath, but what was the point? There was no way out. I couldn't..... WAIT! I remembered that the house has a ladder up stairs! It's from the roof all the way to the ground. I started to run. I had to check. There was still a last pinch of hope left in me. I had to use it.

I ran up to the roof and there it was. The ladder. I could climb down. I would be safe! I wouldn't die after all. I started to climb. And when I was almost to the ground, I realized I couldn't go any farther. I looked down. The last part of the ladder was gone. There was a good 5 feet left. I didn't think I could make it but I had to call for help I had to help my family. Wait....... My Family... They're STILL in there!!!! My Mom! My Dad! My Brother! Where are they!? I climbed back up the ladder. Once I made it to the door I ran straight in. I had no time to lose. I didn't even notice the smoke until I could barley breath. I needed to find my family

"Jack! Where are you!?!?!?" I got no reply. That's when I started to get a little too scared. I couldn't hear anyone. All I could hear was the fire's evil cackles.

*crack,crack,crack* * crackle, crackle*

It wanted to take everything I love away from me.

"Where did you even come from!?!?!?!" I yelled.

I must have looked so crazy because I was yelling at the fire. I couldn't stand it. I was going to lose it. Like I'm going to lose my loved ones tonight . I was sure of it. I wanted the fire to take me with them. I wanted to be with them forever. I didn't want to be alone in this world. I didn't want to die Alone and sad. I wanted to be with my family. So that's what I did. I went to my room and just sat there. Alone.


This chapter was shorter than what I usually write.

Sorry I'm lazy...

Enjoy the next chapter! :)


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