Chapter 6 ~ crazy ideas

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"Is anyone in here?"

Ugh I knew it was nurse McGuffin. She is so annoying! Out of anyone why did she have to come?!


Oh my god why did I sneeze!?!

"Who's there?"

I was praying that she wouldn't find me. I was saying in my mind :

Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,Please,DON'T FIND ME!!!!

"Who ever is in here show yourself!"

I could hear footsteps coming my way.


The door was opened.

"Flame! There you are! The nurses and I have been looking everywhere for you! Come on let's go inside. You STILL haven't taken any of you medicine!"

"Get away from me!"

I started to run.

"Hey! I'm not done with you!"

When did the nurses get walkie-talkies? I heard her call for "backup". They will never catch up to me anyways. All of them are too slow.


When I came to a corner there was another nurse there.

"What?!?" I asked to myself

When did nurses do this?

I turned around and I saw another nurse. They were closing In. I noticed something very strange about them. They all looked the same. Like they were clones or something.

The nurses were hovering over me and they put some kind of mask over my mouth, the next thing I knew.... Lights out.


"Let me see her!!!"

" we can't,she needs to be awake first."

" I'm her brother I have rights!"

"Please leave right now. We need to give her medicine before she wakes up and runs away again."

"Please just let me see her at least! I need to see her!"

"She'll be fine"

"We'll I don't know that since you people poisoned her."

" you want to see her? Fine! Go see her you stubborn devil."

I heard him curse under his breathe. I don't understand how I could've heard all of that

"Oh yeah, and you have ten minutes." The nurse said.

"Ok whatever."

He held my hand and gave me a squeeze. I squeezed his hand back to let him know I'm ok. I could hear him talking to me. His exact words were : "I don't want to lose you like I did them. "

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