Chapter 5 ~ realization

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** still flashback **

**Next days' paper**

"EXTRA EXTRA! Mansion burned down on 48th street! READ ALL ABOUT IT IN "the worlds" NEWS!!"

I saw the paper boy screaming and raising the paper all around. I walked around the corner and asked to see one of them.

"You want to buy a paper little miss?"

I really didn't want to but I would be really disappointed if he said I could only buy it and not take a look at it only.

"Could I just have a look at it?"

"Well sure ,but only the front cover though. I'm not getting robbed of my money today."

"Thank you so much."

I stood to the side and read the first page. I saw a huge fire on the front.

It couldn't have been my house could it? No, that's ridiculous. I read farther.

PAPER: the house on 48th street has burned down from a vase with a cigar that was not fully put out yet. The vase had been down stairs next to the kitchen. The vase had fallen and then broke. The cigar got caught onto a plant in the house and then the tree fell over and there was oil on the table. The house caught on fire quickly and the police and fire trucks came as fast as they could. They found 2 survivors. A little boy and a little girl. The remaining people in the house did not make it out. The children will be put up for adoption.

What??!? This is not possible! This didn't really happen!

"Yes it did Flame... It's all real."

" gosh Jack your 'mind reading' thing is scary. " I meant that. He scares me now that I know what goes through his mind...... Or my mind..... What ever. Jack's voice cut me out of my thoughts which I'm pretty sure he knows what they are.

" what orphanage do you think we're going to?" Jack said, I could see fear in his eyes. I knew exactly whey he was afraid. I wouldn't blame him I'm afraid too.

" I don't know. Lets hope it's a good one. "

************************************end of flashback****************************************

Me and my brother were silent. We were still sitting the in the garden.

"I think we have to go back inside. The nurses are going to come and get us and find this place and close it down.

"You go ahead I'll catch up with you."

He left me there sitting on one of the really big rocks.

I sat there and i started thinking. I thought of all the things that happened to me and my brother. We have a messed up life. We are different. But we are still humans and Its so wrong to keep up us locked up in this stupid prison. We have been here for TEN YEARS that I can't have back. That my brother can't take back! I don't want to die here and do nothing with my life. We have To get out of here. Maybe that's what we'll do.....

I heard foot steps coming from the door that leads to this garden that I'm in. I have to Hide!

I looked around scared that they would find me. I'm pretty sure the have a tranquilizer with them. I don't want to get shot! Ugh I hate needles. I found a little house thing that they probably keep the equipment for the garden in. I ran to the Little house thingy and hid in it. In comes the nurses.


Well this chapter is kind of short. And some of you might think its not but to me it kind of is.....

The Next chapter will be coming in a few days. Thanks for reading and stuff you really don't know how much it means to me :)


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