Chapter 18

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AJ stood across from Nicole in the ring with a smirk on her face. Nicole knew what AJ was doing. She was toying with her, yet, Nicole still let AJ's actions get to her.
The bell was about to ring, but Stephanie's music sounded through the arena. AJ rolled her eyes as the two girls faced the ramp. There stood Stephanie with a mic in hand and her famous smirk evident on her features.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Stephanie started. AJ growled in frustration. "But I'd just like to inform AJ that this is a title match and if she loses in any way, whether by submission or pinfall or count out or cheating, the title will switch hands."
AJ's jaw dropped, causing Stephanie to leave with a smirk.
The bell rung and Nicole went straight to work, kicking AJ's knees to get her to fall. Nicole screamed with the crowd before kicking AJ's draw, causing her to fall the rest of the way down.
Most of the match, Nicole was winning. She was able to cover AJ a lot, but AJ always kicked out in two. Nicole was starting to get frustrated. She didn't know what else had to be done to beat AJ. She was all out of everything.
A familiar tune sounded. She pounded the mat as she stood up. Now was not the time to come out. She was in the middle of a match.
As soon as Phil stepped out from the back, AJ rolled up Nicole. With each pound of the refs fist on the mat, Nicole tried to kick out. It was no use as the bell sounded and AJ scurried out of the ring.
Nicole's one chance was wasted and she lost. She glared at Phil who stood at the stage with shock evident on his features. When it was just them left out and the show most likely went to commercial, Phil made his way to the ring.
Nicole pushed passed him, and she made her way to the back. Her head hung low in defeat, anger, and sadness. She never took loses well, even though she tells herself over and over again that loses are a part of life.
"I'm so sorry, hon." Stephanie said as Nicole took a seat next to her in catering.
"In my eyes, that counts as cheating." Vince stated. Nicole flashed her eyes up at him.
"No, I got distracted and she pinned me. It's fair." Nicole explained.
"You'll get another shot." Stephanie said. "You've more than earned the one you got today, you'll do the same for the next."
"I'm tired, can I leave?"
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."
Stephanie kissed Nicole's forehead before she got up. Nicole slowly made her way to the bus. The bus that she sadly shared with the guy who distracted her and cost her to lose.
"Sup." Colt said as she stepped on the bus. She ignored him and went to the back. The kitten meowed, licking Nicole's hand.
Once settled in her pajamas, Nicole curled up with the kitten and went to bed.
Okay, so I finished early even tho it's like really short. I'll start writing the next chapter and who knows, maybe I'll update once more tonight or tomorrow.

Not Ready To Fall In Love (A CM Punk Fanfic) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now