Chapter 22

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The fair went pretty well. Phil and Nicole went on as many rides as they could. Phil tried to win her prizes at all the game booths, failing miserably making Nicole laugh at each attempt. Phil wasn't as coordinated as he liked to believe. On the last game, the one before they left for the night, Phil finally won her a prize.

It was a ring toss game. The goal of the game was to get each ring on a bottle. There were three rows that went up like stairs. The bottom row was filled with silver bottles. The middle row was filled with bronze bottles. The top row was filled with gold bottles. If the rings got on a silver bottle, the prize could be chosen from the boxes filled with small sized stuffed animals below the rows of bottles. If the rings got on a bronze bottle, the prize could be chosen from the back wall covered in medium sized stuffed animals. If the rings got on gold bottle, the prize could be chosen from the ceiling with large sized animals hanging from the rafters. Three rings were given, with each ring came its own prize.

Phil held the rings in his hand as Nicole held him from behind. The first ring he threw landed on a silver bottle. He apologized under his breath as he threw the second ring. It landed on a bronze bottle. Phil took a deep breath before throwing the third and final ring. It landed on a gold bottle, causing Phil to turn around to hug Nicole correctly, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"You get a prize from the box, a prize from the wall, and a prize from the ceiling." the clerk said, clearly tired from his night shift.

"What do you want?" Phil asked, looking down at Nicole.

"Um, I definitely want that life sized teddy bear." Nicole said, glancing at her other options. "And I'll take the purple monkey from the wall, and the monkey from the box."

Phil carried the stuffed animals as they made their way to where the group was meeting up again. They were the first ones there, so they decided to sit on a bench while waiting for them.

"I had fun tonight!" Nicole said with a smile. "Thank you!"

She leaned into Phil, gently kissing his cheek.

"I had fun too!" Phil said. "We should do it again sometime."

Nicole nodded in agreement.


Phil walked Nicole up the path to Stephanie and Trip's front door. It was around midnight. All the lights were off and everyone in the house was probably sound asleep.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Phil said. Nicole nodded. "Goodnight."

Phil turned around only to be pulled back by Nicole. He turned back around, Nicole pulling him down by his neck to connect their lips.

The kiss was short but sweet. It was also passionate. Nicole pulled away with a smile on her face.

"Goodnight!" she said before turning around and unlocking her door.

That night she went to bed with a smile on her face.


Hey guys xx

So i finally worked in Punk leaving. I had no idea how to do that, but I did it. 

A small cruddy chapter for you. Sorry. I had no ideas and I'm losing more and more interest in this book. If any of you guys want to continue this story for me, feel free to message me and we'll talk.


Hydie Linn 

Not Ready To Fall In Love (A CM Punk Fanfic) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now