Chapter 11

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Nichole and Tay sat on a cement bench at a park them and their friends go to as they watched their friends do their parkour routines. Nichole invited Phil. He hasn't shown up yet. She was getting kind of upset due to that.

"Nickie, if you don't get over here and do this with me I will hunt you down and murder you." her ex boyfriend, Tyler, said. She smiled and hopped off of the cement. She walked over to him. There was a five foot jump from the cement they were standing on. Tyler front flipped off first. Nichole took a deep breath as she turned around. She back flipped off if the jump. Tyler caught her mid air and he front flipped again. He set her down when he landed. Nichole smiled. She hasn't done this in a long time and compared to what her friends normally do, this was nothing. Tyler kept his arms around Nichole's waist. She really didn't mind it. Tay jumped down to be with her friends.

"I thought you guys weren't dating anymore." Tay said as she noticed Tyler's arms around Nichole's waist. He dropped his arms and stood beside Nichole.

"We're not." Nichole assured her best friend. She looked behind Tay to see Phil standing there. She gave him a warm smile. He didn't return it. In fact, he looked away from her. She turned back towards Tyler. He along with their other friends, Dylan, George, Vanessa, and JT, were lighting a blunt. Nichole took a deep breath before walking away. Tyler looked up to find that she was back to sitting on the cement.

"Babe come back here!" he yelled.

"No!" she yelled back. "And don't call me that!"

Tyler looked at Tay for advice. She rolled her eyes.

"You guys are the biggest idiots alive!" she said. Tyler have her a confused look. Tay grabbed the blunt, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it.

"What was that for?" Vanessa asked defensively.

"Really? You're more stupid than I thought. Why don't you hang out with us when you don't want to get high." She turned around but turned right back around. "Oh wait, you always want to get high!"

Tay walked over to Nichole with Phil following. The three of them decided to go out to eat. Nichole invited Stephanie and Triple H along with their kids.

They all walked into the restaurant. Stephanie and Triple H were already there along with their kids, Murphy, Vaughn, and Aurora. Vaughn, the youngest, ran and jumped in Nichole's arms. She carried her back to the table.

"How was your day sweetie?" Stephanie asked. Nichole shrugged her shoulders. Stephanie looked at her as she waited for an answer that she knew she wasn't going to get. They ordered their food. Tay engaged in a conversation with Stephanie and H. Nichole watched as the kids drew on a kids menu. Phil watched her watch the kids. She noticed his stare after a while. She have him a warm smile.

" Ya know, staring isn't very polite." she said in a whisper as she leaned over to him. He chuckled.

"Sorry, the view is just amazing." he said. Nichole looked down as she blushed bright red. They both laughed it off.

"Mommy, can we go to the park after?" Murphy asked. Nichole shifted in her seat.

"Murph, why don't we go to a water park? We'll have more fun there." Nichole said. Murphy agreed. They ate in silence and were on their way to the water park. Stephanie took the three children on all the rides they wanted to while Taylor, Nichole, and Phil went on their own. Nichole saw a giant Spider-Man stuffed animal and she gasped.

"I want it!" she yelled. Phil laughed.

"I'll win it for you." he said. Nichole and Taylor stayed where they were while Phil played whatever game he had to.

"You seem like you like him." Taylor said.

"I do." Nichole said. She blushed and looked down. "I don't know, he kind of takes my mind off things whenever I'm with him. I don't know how to explain my feelings."

"Well, I think he's good for you." Nichole smiled and blushed some more.

"Can I tell you something?" Taylor nodded. "When you went for a run when we were at my house, me and him kind of kissed."

"Oh my god!" she yelled. Most of the people around them including Phil turned to look at them. Nichole's cheeks turned bright red and her eyes widened.

"Did you like the kiss?" she asked. Nichole shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. All I know is I don't want to get hurt the same way I got hurt with Tyler." Nichole explained. "Phil has a bad reputation around the locker room. He's slept with a lot of people we work with. I just don't know if I can trust him. Do I like him? Yeah I do"

"I don't want you to get hurt either. I just don't think he's capable of doing what Tyler did. Trust me when I say Tyler was a total dick to you when you were his girlfriend."

"Trust me when I say I know."

Phil walked over with the large Spider-Man. Nichole smiled and held the Spider-Man to her chest.

"Thank you!" Nichole said. She kissed his cheek. Phil blushed and looked down. Nichole smiled. She didn't think it was possible to make him blush.

"Tay, let's go on a rollar coaster." Nichole said. The group of three made their way to the closest ride. That's where they found Stephanie and Triple H along with the three girls.

"Trip, can you go on a ride with us?" Nichole asked. He agreed. Tay was seated with Triple H while Nichole was seated with Phil. She began to get nervous and she could tell Phil knew. He grabbed her hand and she immediately calmed down. The ride was over sooner than she knew it and they were off going on rides with everyone together. Most of them were little kid rides which Nichole and Tay didn't mind because they're little kids at heart. Nichole, Tay, and Phil went there separate ways after a few hours.

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