Preference #1- Meeting him for the first time

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You fixed yourself nervously before entering the room. You and your friends are going to have a meet and greet with Harry. "GO IN!" your friends excitedly squealed. They have been supporting you about babbling on and on about marrying him. Finally, you see him. He was looking at the mirror, then, he looked at you. "Hello love!" he smiles. You stood there, frozen like a popsicle. "You know, (Y/N) really likes you Harry!" your friend says. You blushed a lot as Harry smiled. "She even babbled on and on about marrying you!" your other friend squeals. You blushed even more, so embarassed. "Isn't she pretty Harry?" your best friend asks. You hide your face, covering yourself. You then feel hands grab your wrists and take off your hands. "I know she is." Harry whispers, making you smile and blush crazy.


You walk down the park, looking at the trees and the flowers. You wanted a quick getaway in London, and a park sounds nice. You look over the path and saw a flock of pigeons. You rush into the flock, you being a directioner and all that. "KEVIIIN!" you shout. As the birds flew away, you bumped into someone. Hard. You were knocked unconscious. You wake up a few hours later and see the boys from 1D looking at you. "I-I must've hit my head harder than I thought!" you stammer. "Are you okay love?" Louis asks, sounding really worried. "Yeah...". "I hope I didn't damage your beautiful face love." he adds. You widen your eyes, blushing crazily.


You flipped over and over again on your bed. You sat up and looked at the clock. 12:00 a.m. You put on your jacket, the weather being cold tonight, some shorts, and drove to the nearest store. You went in, and looked around. Nobody here but me, you think. You picked some drinks and snacks and went to the cashier. "15.98 please." the cashier asks you. But you quickly remembered that you forgot your wallet! "Sorry ma'am, no money, no food." Suddenly, someone handed the exact amount to the cashier. You turn around and see Niall Horan. "I'll be paying for you." he smiles. "Oh n-no, it's okay!" you stutter. "I insist." The cashier takes the money without hesitation. You two sit down together. "T-thanks for that..." you blush. "Anything for you." he smiles again.


You were backstage at a 1D concert. You were very excited to meet them all. But most of all, you fancy Zayn the most. You fixed your hair up and your clothes. "A little nervous, ey?" your bestfriend tugs you. "Yeah, VERY!" you respond. You were head over heels in love with him, and seeing his picture takes your breathe away. Finally, the boys enter the room. They were all very nice. As you were greeting Louis, you see Zayn whispering something to Niall. Niall chuckles and looks at you. "Hey you!" he points at you. "Zayn likes you a lot!" he adds. Zayn covers Niall's mouth. You froze there at that spot as Zayn went up to you. "Sorry about that beautiful." he smiles. You blushed and smiled nervously.


"Miss (Y/L/N)! Detention for you!" the teacher shouts at you. Thanks to your sissy bully, Phoebe, you got in detention. Long story short, she framed you. After the bell rung, you stomped into the detention room, and saw that you were the only one there. Yet. You sat down and sighed, tapping your pen. Suddenly, your hear the door open. You hear footsteps come near you. You lift your head up and see a boy with gorgeous brown eyes and neatly fixed hair. You were dumbstruck by his trance. "Hi." he greets at you. "H-hello...." you stutter. "Why did you get in here?" "Framed by someone. You?" "I just saw you pass by, and I thought why would a beautiful girl like you get in here? So, I followed you. You looked lonely, I decided to accompany you." You opened your mouth and blushed.

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