Preference #3- You get sick

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  You woke up, the room still dark. You look at the clock, 3:00 a.m. You were feeling really heavy, your nose stuffed and you couldn't breathe well. Harry was still asleep, but you didn’t want him to catch your fever. You tried to stand up, but you failed to. With all your might, you tried to stand up again. You did manage to stand up, but everything around you was blurry, and you were a bit unbalanced. You dragged each foot of yours to the door, and twisted the door knob with the little amount of strength you had in you. Finally, you think as the door opens, making a squeaking noise. You turn around to see if Harry was awake, but he wasn’t. You sighed in relief and continued walking downstairs. You laid down on the couch, and decided to sleep there. You slowly drifted off to sleep, not knowing that Harry woke up because of you dragging your feet on the staircase. He saw you sleeping on the couch, shivering and cold. He puts your head on his lap, and puts a blanket on you. “Harry, go back. I can’t risk for you to catch my fever…” you groaned. He gently kisses your forehead, and strokes your hair. “And I can’t risk seeing you suffer.” You smiled softly as he wraps his one arm around you, kissing your cheek.


  You and Niall were eating at a restaurant during a food trip. Since you like to try something new, you agreed. You ordered an unknown meal. It was nothing like you’ve ever seen before. “Something wrong, (Y/N)?” Niall asks you. “No, it’s just that, I never tasted this before.” You answer. You slowly took a spoonful of it and ate it. It was actually, pretty good. You started to eat more and more of it. Every bite was delicious. After eating, you felt something in your stomach. Agonizing pain. You screech in pain and grabbed the tablecloth hard. “(Y/N)! What’s wrong!” he shouts. You fall on the ground, and the last thing you remember was hearing Niall’s voice. After a few hours, you opened your eyes slowly, and saw Niall, sleeping beside you. You were in a hospital, seeing that you were in a hospital bed. You still felt weak. “What happened?” you groggily asked. Niall woke up and sighs in relief. “You were food poisoned. I thought I lost you, (Y/N).” He explains as he kisses your hand. “I ruined the whole trip, didn’t I?” “No, it’s okay. All that matters is that my princess is safe and healthy with me.” He smiles. You smile as he kisses your cheek, holding your hand close to him.


  You slammed your car door shut and opened up the door. It has been a hectic week for you in college. And so many paperwork just leaves you frustrated and weak. Your head was feeling so dizzy and the world seemed to revolve around you. You groaned in pain as you dragged your whole body towards the living room, where Liam is. “(Y/N)? Is that you love?” he asked. You didn’t quite hear him, your hearing was blurry as well. Liam stands up and sees you. He catches you just as you were about to fall. “What happened? You look like a mess!” he adds. He carries you to the bedroom, and hands you some medicine. “You can’t go back to college in your condition.” He says. “B-but Liam…” “I can’t bear seeing the one I love working so hard and getting sick afterwards. Just, please… get some rest….” He cuts you off. You simply nod, finally agreeing. “That’s my girl.” He smiles. He lays down beside you, and puts you in his arms. You snuggles on his chest, as he strokes your hair gently. “I love you (Y/N), and I will do anything for you.” He whispers. You look at him and smile, and finally drifting off to sleep in his loving and caring arms.


  Your boyfriend Louis was going to a meeting with Paul and the boys. The only problem is, you can’t come along. And boy, was Louis upset. “I’ll be fine Lou! Now go!” you giggle at his concern. He smiles and kisses you on the cheek. “Don’t work yourself too hard, okay?” “Okay.”. As he left, you looked at the whole house, it was VERY dirty! You grabbed your cleaning tools and started to work. You didn’t mind, thinking that it’s just okay, no problem. After cleaning everything, you were feeling really heavy. Your nose was stuffed, and you couldn’t breathe. You fell on the ground, the mop falling by your side. You were really feeling weak, and feeling really sleepy. You closed your eyes, and took a nap. After a few hours, you hear a door slam open, followed by some footsteps. “Oh my- (Y/N)! What happened!” a voiced shouted. It was Louis. He carries you gently to the sofa as you flutter your eyes open. “Lou?” you coughed. “I told you no to work too much.” He frowns. “What about your meeting?” “I came back here instantly when you wouldn’t pick up your phone. I knew something was wrong.” He gently wraps you in his arms. “Louis, please go back. That meeting could’ve been important.” “And what? Leave you alone in your condition? No way.” “Lou-“he cuts you with a soft kiss. “Babe, nothing will ever stop me from knowing that you’re safe and sound. Nothing.” He responds. You smile weakly as he kisses your forehead, lulling you to sleep.


  You woke up, the sun beating down on you. And, it wasn’t a pleasant morning. Just that night, you and Zayn fought. And, to make it worse, you were sick. REALLY sick. You saw that he was sleeping on the floor beside your bed, but you didn’t wake him up, still feeling mad about last night. You went downstairs, dragging your aching feet and your heavy head downstairs. It’s like you were carrying a 20 ton bag filled with rocks kind of heavy. You decided to make yourself some breakfast, thinking that it wouldn’t do anything worse to you. You sneezed as you opened the refrigerator, putting out the eggs. You light the stove, and cooked the eggs. Your legs started to feel weak, getting feeble and feeble the longer you stand up. And, BUMP! You fell on the ground, making a very loud bump noise, loud enough to wake Zayn up. He hurriedly runs down the stairs and sees you on the floor. He tries to help you, but you declined. “Zayn, I don’t need your help!” you grunted. He cuts you off with a kiss. You tried hard not to resist, but his kiss was like a magnet. “(Y/N), babe, please forgive me. I can’t stand seeing you like this. Now, just let me do this while you sit down and rest for a while, okay?” he says, looking at your eyes. You slowly smile and do so, knowing that he’ll take care of you.

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