Preference #7- He hears you talk in your sleep

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You and Harry have been spending the night watching a movie. At around 10:00 p.m., you snoozed off in Harry's arms. He wraps his arms around you, making sure you were comfortable. A few minutes passed, and you were in a deep sleep. "No...Harry...don't leave..." you mumble. Harry's head jolted up, surprised at what he heard. "Harry..." you mumble again as your hands shoot up, trying to hug something. Harry chuckles, and hugs you. He kisses your forehead as you relaxed, smiling a bit. "I love you Harry..." you mumble again. "I love you too (Y/N)." he whispers back.


After dinner with his parents, you fell asleep in the car while he drives back to the flat you both shared. You were snoring a bit, and Niall finds this adorable. As he parked the car infront of the house, he carries you in the house and  to the bedroom. He places you gently on the bed, and starts to leave. "Don't food...Niall..." you mumbled as you snored again. He turns around and looks at you. "" you say again as you turned around, snoring again. He lies down beside you and wraps his arms around you, listening to your "adorable" voice.


"Hey Liam, babe?" you yawned, your eyes barely open. You two were all alone in the house, and you've spent all day getting down and dirty with fun stuff. And now, you're very drained. "Are you sleepy (Y/N)?" he asks. "Yeah..." "C'mere." he says as he wraps you in his arms. You're eyes soon closed, dozing off into a deep sleep. "Li... please?" you start to mutter. He looks at you, smiling. "Stay....for a few more....minutes?" you say as you wriggled a bit. He gently kisses you, making you relax. She's so cute... he thought.


Louis just came back from a tour, and was excited to see you. He opens the door. "(Y/N)?! I'M HO-." he stops, seeing you fast asleep on the couch. He chuckles and walks towards you. He took out his phone and snapped a picture of you, thinking you're so adorable when you sleep. "Boo Bear...where" you stutter as you turned around. He  sits beside you, and puts an arm around you. "I" you mumbled. He smiles and hugs you tight, with you finally in peace.


You and Zayn just had a big fight. You cried yourself into a deep snooze. He couldn't help but check on you, opening your bedroom door and seeing you, curled up. He sighs and walks towards you, lying beside you. He softly runs his hand through your hair as he mumbles an apology. "Zayn...babe..." you say. He looks at you, thinking he woke you up, but your eyes were still shut. He realized that you were dreaming. "I'm sorry...I love you...I can't...stay mad.." you mumbled again, with a tone of guilt. He smiles and kisses your cheek, making you smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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