Preference#5- What Little Things he likes about you

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He loves it when you sleep on his lap or in his arms. He loves seeing your face, describing you as "angelic" or "beautiful" when you sleep. He would caress your hair gently as he watches you sleep like a baby. He would always smile when you snore or talk in your dream, sometimes mentioning his name out loud. He would also kiss your forehead and carry you to the bedroom.


He loves the way you laugh when you eat. When he, the boys, and you get together for a dinner, Niall always tells a joke that will make one grain of rice fly away from your mouth. He also laughs when you laugh because he thinks it's funny and cute when you do that. It's not really good manners, but Niall loves seeing his girl laugh with him. 


He loves it when you dance around crazy, wearing only a shirt and your underwear and not knowing he's there. He loves the way your hair bounces as you dance on your bed, singing the song out on the top of your lungs. He would sometimes stay there for a few minutes, and come in the room. He also likes it when you blush, remembering the day you two met.


He loves it when you would kiss him one the cheek after a very tiring day. Apperantly, he loves it more when you give him a lot of kisses and when you kiss him on his lips. He would hold on to that moment forever. He even pulls you closer by your waist as he kisses you deeply. Sometimes, when you kiss him on the cheek with lipstick on, he never washes his face for a day and shows the boys how much you love each other.


He loves it when you smile at him. He's used to seeing your smile first thing every morning, since you wake up earlier than him. And when you smile at him when they all get an award, it's like he can't live without it. You would run up towards him and give him a big bear hug.  But he doesn't like it when you do a fake smile; he can tell. He would tickle you until you end up smiling, with him saying: "There's that smile!"

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