One shot- Harry (based from the disney short, Paperman) part 1

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One shot: Harry (based from the disney short, Paperman)

He stood there on the station. Face full of lipstick and splattered with minor bruises. He looks at his surroundings, trying to see if there are more girls. A paper suddenly flew into his shoulder. An American Idol golden ticket. It so happens that you were the owner of this ticket. It flew away as you passed by him, trying to get the paper back. He was stunned, looking at you as you grabbed the paper. You finally got it and slowly walked beside him. You glanced at him as he glances back. His gorgeous green eyes set on you, his lips in a small but beautiful smile. The train shoots by as a paper landed on your face. You struggled to get it off, but his hand got it. A small lipstick mark stained on the worksheet, making you giggle softly. He looks at it and chuckles, but to see you leaving the station, and leaving a dumfounded boy. He watches you, with eyes full of sadness, watching you, the beautiful girl he met, leave him without getting to know your name. He went to his bandmates in a building for a meeting with management. The producer was very strict. The wind blew from the window to the room, and let a piece of paper fly away. Harry managed to catch it before it flew away into the big world. He sighed in relief, and took a glance at the neighboring condominium. He was astonished to see a familiar face, you. Your bright eyes set on your friend as she talks with you. He was really surprised and happy to see you. He started to wave and shout at you, but the two buildings were too far for you to hear anything from their building. He starts to think of ways to capture your eyes to his. He looks at the stack of papers and gets an idea; Paper Airplane. An airplane was the only thing he could think of without going anywhere. He folds it quickly, making sure every wing was simmetrical to the other. A perfect airplane was made, and he smiled. He positions himself infront of the window and shoots it to your direction. It flew halfway, but didn't make it. He sighed and tried again, but the plane crashed on the wall. The producer looked at him, eyes full of anger. He sits down, calming him down. The moment the producer looked away, he folds another paper and flies it to you, and again fails. More and more times, one was already close, but got hit by a flock of birds. Soon, he got to the point when he ran out of paper. Only the paper with the lipstick was left with him. The producer and the boys looked at him with a confused look. You were about to leave the condominium to buy something for your friend, but little did you know your admirer didn't want you to. As you left, he quickly shoots the paper with the lipstick to you and quickly stood up and rushed after you. Papers flew everywhere as he ran down the stairs just to see you. He passed by many cars, and people, but only to find the airplane on a coffee table, and not finding you. 

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