The Ride

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Nova's P.O.V

Finally the release bell rang I grabbed my stuff and went to my locker. I put everything that I needed to take home in my bag. I shut my locker and got my phone out an put my head phones on. I was almost out to the parking lot when Logan and two others came into view. They were leaning against the wall right next to the door. I put my music on and was looking at my phone not paying them any attention. I walked past them and I could here them talking to me but I just ignored them, and went on out to the parking lot. When I got out of the school I put my phone in my back pocket. I was walking toward the student parking lot when someone ran into me. I looked to see who it was and it was one of the new guys from my first period Eric I believe his name is.

"I'm so sorry." Eric said helping me off the ground.

"No problem" I said dusting myself off.

"I have you one of my classes don't I?" He asked while picking up my book.

"Yeah first period." I said moving some stands off hair out of my face.

"Right Nova is it?" He asked still holding my book

"Right, and your Eric correct?"

"Yeah" he did a slight chuckle. "You are really smart."

"Thanks" I said giving him a big smile

"Also good job dealing with that guy as well, To be honest you don't look like a person who would do that."

"What stand up against a jock is nothing, I've done it many times." I laughed

"I bet" he laughed along. "hum House of Night: Chosen book three?"

"Yeah I love to read."

"I wouldn't doubt it." we both started laughing to be interrupted by Julian and Kanan.

"Hey guys." I said. they looked at me then looked over at Eric.

"Hey Nova we are going to give you a ride home." Julian said not taking his eyes off of Eric.

"Ok great, Julian are you alright?" I asked

"Yeah, Kanan take Nova to the truck."

"Ok" Kanan said putting his hand on my back.

"Wait Julian where are you going?"

"I Need to grab something from then office real quick I'll be out there shortly."

"Ok, bye Eric see you later." I said giving him a little wave as we walk off.

"Bye Nova." he says returning a wave.

Me and Kanan walked to the truck and I would keep on looking behind me to see Julian talking to Eric then he back into the school. We walked past the new crew and they looked at use like we killed their dog well the people who were in Julian's classes. When we reached the truck everyone was in the back of either Julian's truck, or in the back of Luke's truck. When they saw me and Kanan coming that way They moved allowing me to have my spot between Julian and Luke's truck. They all just kept on talking about how their day was ruined be the new guys, and so of them started getting mad especially when the thing about what happened before lunch came up.

"How about we stop talking about that." I said

"Then what do you want to talk about?" Luke asked

"Got any music?" Matt asked.

"In fact I just finished something new this morning." I told them as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

I love to do mix tapes and make different beats when ever I can. Matt go in the truck and grabbed my little speaker I left in the glove compartment. We have a speaker in all the truck and in my bag because when all else fails we play music. I pulled up my music and found the new one I named "Street Beat" it is a hip hop beat with some instrumental that sound like the song "Bottoms Up". Once the music was going it was turned up all the way. and it was already 4 so the campus police wouldn't be here. We sat there and listened to the song before we started adding our own lyrics. I looked over at the new crew and they were moving their heads to the beat. Matt looked at me letting me know he saw it to. Eric was over with the crew and he was laughing at our funny lyrics that we were singing.

When the song came to an end is when Julian finally came back to the truck.

"Julian man you missed it Nova made a great song." Landis said

"Oh don't worry I heard it and so did everyone in the office." he said letting out a little laugh. We all laughed along with him, I looked over at the crew and saw them looking at use still. Then I saw that Logan guy walk over their and start talking to then. Then not long after he started talking their smile just faded and was replaced with anger and surprise.

"Guys I'm ready to go home, how about y'all?" I said.

"Sure are you ok?" Julian asked

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired."

We all loaded up in the two truck's and meet and me and Julian's house. When we got home I went in the kitchen and got a water and sat down at the kitchen table with the guys. We sat their and talked for an hour it was 6 o'clock.

"Y'all want to order pizza for dinner?" I asked

"Yeah" they all answered at the same time.

I got up and went and ordered the pizza and set it for delivery.

We just talked about anything possible, then the door bell rang I went to the door. When I answered the door it was the Pizza man. I gave him the money and he handed me the pizza's. He was also flirting, I sat heir and listened to him then Kanan came around to the door.

"Is everything alright here?" he asked standing beside me.

"Everything is fine honey, can you take these to the kitchen for me?" I asked handing him the pizza's he gave me a confused look but he caught on.

"Sure babe no problem." he said going into the kitchen.

"You were saying?" I asked the guy

"Have a good day." he said walking back to his car.

I closed the door and went into the kitchen were the guys were already eating. I grabbed me some pizza and sat at the table.

"Hey babe" Kanan said messing with me.

Everything went quiet and the rest of the guys looked at use.

"wowowo, what did we miss?" Tommy asked

"Oh the pizza guy was flirting with me, so I used Kanan to help me get out of there."

Everyone sighed in relief I let out a little laugh. After dinner we played Call of Duty and watched TV until 9:30 I decided to go to bed.

"Ok guys I'm going to bed." I said standing up from the couch.

"Oh come on Nova Stay up with use?" They asked

"No I'm tired I'm going to bed I'll see y'all tomorrow." I said walking up stairs.

I go up stairs, change into a tank top and yoga pants, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, them back in my room. I climbed underneath my covers and quickly fall asleep.

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