On the Run

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I jumped out a window that was on the second floor. I landed on my feet then rolled so that I wouldn't hurt my ankles. I then took off running into the woods.

Julian's P.O.V

We pulled up to the Portland,Maine police department, and hopped out heading inside. We walked up to the front desk where a women in uniform sat.

"Hello" I say

"Hello can I help you?" She asked

"We are here to see Mike Wren." I told her.

"Ok give me on minute." She said picking up the phone calling a line. "Ok he is in room 6, just go down that hallway till you get to the room."

"Alright thank you."

"No problem"

We go down the hall.until we came upon room 6. We knocked and he told use to enter. Me and the guys all piled into his office, where.He was working on the computer.

"Hello Julian it's good to see you." He said still typing

"Hi uncle Mike." I said sitting down in one of the chairs.

"What came I do for y'all today?"

"We have a problem." I said

"What kind of problem?"

"I believe Nova has been kidnapped." I quickly said.

"What do you mean you believe she was kidnapped?" Mike asked giving use his full attention.

"Well we had a fight yesterday, so this morning she wanted to walk to school. Well then we went looking for her and we follows her scent to an ally way and we found this." I said pulling the ring out of my pocket and placing it on his desk.

"Ok well I will file a report and I will need you to show use where you found this." Mike said picking up the phone

Nova's P.O.V

I've been running for what seemed like an hour. I could hear people caseing me, it was now dark and the only light i had was the light of the moon. I found me a rock and decided to site down on a rock, i was taking deep beathes. When I heard voices out in the distance, i looked around thinking about what to do, and it hit me, iclimed the tree and set down in the center of the tree, Where all the branches stared seporating.

Soon a group of men grouped around the rock i was sitting at just a minute ago. I sat there listening to them, when the light of the moon shined on me, I looked and my necklace was was shineing. All of a sudden some one yelled ' There she is!'. i quickly looked to see three guys looking right at me and one was pointing at me. I jumped down from the tree and ran as fast as I could away from them. It was wierd when i was running it was like i was running so fast that everthing was in slow motion. i would look around to see if i could see them any where, them i came upon a cliff. I immediatly stopped and was on my tippy-toes trying not to go over the cliff. I looked over the cliff edge to see a drop that was at least 20-40ft.

I took a breath and turned around to see my escape route blocked by all the men that were looking for me.

" You got far young one." the older man said emerging out of the group.

"I don't give up easly." i told him has i thought of a plan.

"I see that, I also see you have a ditermination to get away from use and to your family." He said wallking around.

" Can you blame me, I would rather be with them then with people who kidnapped me." i Said walking closer to them.

"But you will go back to the family that lie's to you and keeps big serects from you?"

"Well they are defantly better than y'all."

"We'll see about that." he said just as he gave some kind of signal, I then felt a pick in my neck and everything went black.

Julian's P.O.V

After we finished the investigation at the ally way Uncle Mike told use to go home and wait. But how can I wait my little sister is out there with who knows who, who is capabale of doing who knows what. Me and the guys drove home in dead silence i could tell it was killing them to, not know where Nova is, and the worst part is she dosent know what she is and the person she's with could. When we pulled up to the house there was a black Dodge in the drive way, that ment my parents were back. I quickly hopped out of the truck and was almost sprinting into the house. When i got into the house my mom and dad were both sitting on the couch talking and drinking coffee. They were laughing but when they saw me barg into the house they shot up from their seats in alert moode. When they saw it was me they came over and gave me a hug.

"Julian it's been so long hony we missed y'all." my mom said as she gave me a hug.

"Where's Nova?" My dad asked with a smile and concern look on his face.

"Mom, Dad. Nova was kidnapped this morning." I told them slowly, unbelived that i ever had to tell them that.

They had looks of complete shoke and fear.

"Did you call the cops?" my dad asked

"We went down to the police station personally." I told him gestering to the guys.

"Ok Juilian lets set down and tell use everything that happened thet past few days." My mom said as she grabed my arm and lead me to the kitchen table. I told them about everything, about the new crew, Eric joining our crew,Nova Djing the dance, her getting slapped by Kallus and fighting back, when she was attacked here, and the fight me and the crew had with her. Also the Gang that i talked to the day that Nova was attacked just came to mind.

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