Knife Vs. Gun

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The next morning was usual I got up took a shower through my hair up in a pony tail, I grabbed a black sleeveless shirt with skinny jeans, black and white converse, and my favorite moon crest necklace. ( pic above change boots to converse. Don't mind what's on the right of the picture it was already on there.)

The day ran by quickly first we were in the parking lot next thing u know we are at lunch. It was weird because the guys would whisper to each other instead of talking regular and Julain would keep looking at his phone and jumping to it every time it went off..they didn't say one thing to me about anything. Julian was on his phone when I heard laughing behind use I turned to see Kallus and his crew laughing at me. I had a little bruise from were Kallus slapped me were he had no bruise. I rolled my eyes at them and then my stomach started hurting it was like something was clawing me, but I didn't worry about it.

What felt like an hour later we were out of school and something told me to not go home. We drove home in silence until Julian broke the silence.

"So Nova me and the guys are going to do something real quick, so I'm going to drop you off at the house and we'll be back pretty soon." Julian said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Cant I go with you?" I asked.

"NO!" They all screamed at once

"Ok then." I said

When we got home they didn't even get out of the car they just dropped me off and left, I watch them back out and drive off.
I shut the door, locked it and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and sat by the kitchen window that looked out on the drive way and just wondered were they would have gone. The window was a fun wall not a small window. I went to the table to sit down when a piece of bright colored paper caught my eye. I walked over to the paper and it said Nova on it. I opened it and there was a picture of Julian and the guys at a table in a dark room with guns in there hands. At the bottom of the paper there was something written your life is nothing but a lie. I thought for a minute then there was a crash. The kitchen window shattered into nothing,I fell to the floor covering my head. I quickly grabbed the chief knife and held it where the opposite side of the sharp side was against my arm. The lights then went out and there was a crash up stairs. I had a feeling that made me decide to follow the sound.

Julian's P.O.V

We dropped Nova off and left heading to a warehouse where we were suppose to meet a Wolfgang that is making threats to us. That's why we having been talking to Nova they are targeting her so we had to leave her behind. I was on the road that lead to the warehouse, when I felt like something was wrong. I thought for a minute than I felt the need to head home then I realize what was wrong. I slammed on the brake and made a U-Turn speeding back to the house.

"What's going on?" Leo asked.

"They are at the house." I said going faster.

Nova's P.O.V

I was soon upstairs I looked and saw my bedroom door cracked open. I had the Knife up and ready, I opened the door slowly not making a sound I checked my surroundings. Then I saw the my window next to my bed was shattered, I walked over to the window looking at the window I lowered the knife to my side, when I heard the sound of a gun cock from behind me.

"Don't move." the person commanded. I stood still and didn't move. "Good, know put your hands up." he commanded again.

I thought for a minute, maybe he didn't know I had a knife, I then thought about how far he could be behind me. I was so deep in thinking that I forgot that he was there until he screamed at me. I slowly raised my hands up and tried to keep the knife out of site, and when I got my hands to the perfect height I swung the hand with the knife in it around hitting him in his wrist making him dropping the gun and it slid under my bed. He then charged at me making me fall to the ground and loss the knife. We then began fist fighting, we would each try to get the gun or the knife. I got off the floor and went toward the gun just to be pushed against the wall, and I quickly acted and grabbed the side of the guys head and bashed it against the wall. I tried again for the gun but the guy grabbed my by my hair and dragged me across the floor while hitting me in the face. I then kicked my leg up hitting him in the head I took off running instead, but he got my pinned to the wall chocking me, he then walked to the stairs and I heard a truck and so did the guy. He let me go falling down the stairs and end up on the ground, then the guys came running in all but Julian and Eric went upstairs, Julian picked me up in his arms and carried me to the couch while Eric called the police.

About 10 minutes after the guy broke into my house and attacked me, there are police all in our house and paramedic's. I have a busted head from falling down the stairs, busted lip, cuts all over my face, the back of my head was bleeding, and I have marks around my neck from where he chocked me. The police asked questions while the paramedic's put stiches in.

"Do you know of someone who would do this?" the detective asked me

"No" I said

"Can you give me a description of the attacker?"

"I-I didn't get a good look at him." I stuttered.

"Mrs. Wren take your time and really think." The Women detective said.

I sat for a minute and thought, I closed my eyes and thought about everything then I remember something's.

"He had dark brown hair, that was spiked, and hazel eyes. umm... Also a tattoo on his wrist of a skull of fire I believe it was."

"Alright and is there anything else?"

"Yes I cant remember if I told you but he had a gun when he came in and it ended up sliding under my bed. Is it still up there?" I asked

The women detective them motioned for the male to go and check, and sure enough it was. Before the police left they asked if I wanted to go to the station but I wanted to stay home, the detective gave me a card with a number to call if I had anything else to tell her, and they were going to have a squad car outside when ever we are home.

After the police were gone and it was just me and the guys I went to the kitchen and got a water, and the guys went into dads office in the phone. I looked at the note again and then decided that I would ask them about it.

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