The Truth Will Come Out

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Nova's P.O.V

It was dark, the room smelled of acohol as on of the guys patched the place where Loren stabbed me. They didn't even bother to take the blind fold off, there was now a sharp pain in my leg.

"I'm sewing it up." The guy told me.

"Can you please take this blind fold off?" I asked

"I thought it would be better if it was kept on so you didn't see the wound."

"Is it really that bad?"

"To be honest, Yeah."

"I don't care I don't like not seeing what people are doing to my wounds."

"I told you."

" I don't car you could be lieing. Please"

"Fine, I can't believe you would have someone stop what they are doing so you can see." He said as he removed the blind fold.

"Thanks" I said as he took it off.

"Your welcome." he said siting back in his seat getting back to work. "How come it dosen't hurt you?" He asked.

"It stings a little, but i'm good at not showing pain."

"You must have have had alot of pain in your life."

"More like the past week." I told him, making him let out a little laugh. "Your nice compared to the other guys here."

"Yeah well they take stuff to the exstrem here."

"I can tell."

" and you are done." he told me closing off the last stich, then he took the blind fold, and tied it around my leg covering the wound.


"No problem." He said grabbing his things and walking towards the door.


"Yeah?" He asked turning around.

"Can you stay her? I'm tired of being alone, and your someone that I actualy will talk to out of he rest of the guys here."

He thought for a minute han gave me a little smile. "Sure why not."

And so he did he sat in the chair infront of me and we talked about random stuff. We talked for at least and hour or so until we were inturupted be Carl, Loren and a couple of other guys.

"Whats going on here?" Loren asked.

"It's a thing called talking,  I was tired of not talking to anyone and I asked him to stay behind to talk to me." I Snapped

"You have alot of nevers to talk to me like that." Loren said bending over so he could look at me in my eyes.

"Ok so you think your all big and scary but your nothing but a glass cup." I told him.

"We will see about that." He said standing up.

"That enough Loren lets get to business." Carl said walking ove infront of me. While the rest of the guys surronded use. "Ok miss Nova i'm going to ask some questions...." I inturrupted before he could finnsh.

"Yeah,yeah,yeah If i answer them no harm will come to me, but if I don't you will have no choice, I've heard this already. But my question is that i asked before is what if I don't know the answer?" I asked him.

"Well if you don't know....then I understand." I looked at him in complete shock.

"Carl? Can i beat the crap out of your son?" I asked looking over at Loren. Carl let out a little laugh.

"No but we are going to get started."

They kept asking questions similar to the one that Loren aske before, he just changed the way they where worded. I kept telling 'I don't know'  but then the last question he asked me was a question a cant believed he asked.

"Nova, do you know that your family memebers are Werewoles?" Carl asked. I started laughing so hard my side was hurting.

" Ok lets get this strait Werewolves are not real." I told them.  Carl looked over at Loren then nodded at each other.

Then a guy came a unstrapped me, then Loren came and stood in front of me.

"Listen Nova you need to be careful about this." Carl told me.

I was so confused, but then who was Loren turned into a grey wolf. I through myself back making the chair fall backwards and I did a backflip out of it. The wolf came towards me so I backed up closer to the wall thinking of what to do. Then i tripped on omething making me fall and land on my bottom, the wolf kept coming towards me. I was all the way against the wall when the wolf  stopped snarling and a look of kindness, but it was all a trap because he just went back to a mean snarling wolf again.

"Loren that enough." Carl said. "You were only supost  to show her not scare her." Carl snapped. As the wolf turned back into a human and it was Loren.

I brought my knees to my chest and tried to prossess everything that just happened.

"See Nova we are real and you are one as well."  Carl said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Please, there is no way i'm one of y'all." I said pushing his hand off and shooting up.

"I will let you think about it." Carl said a motioned for everyone to leave.

Once everyone was gone I was back in the corner hinking of anything that could explain what just happened, and if there was any posibility that he was right that i was one of them. "But how would they know, and why wouldn't my family tell me this?" I asked myself. It wasn't long before I fell asleep, and when I woke I remebered my dream. I saw Julian and i was trying to talk to him but it was difficult to understand what he was saying.

I looked around the room and remember what happened yesterday.  I then hopped up and went over to the chair which was still flipped over. I sat it up right then sat down I thought some more and thought mabey it is possible.

I was so deep in my thought I didn't even notice that Loren and some other guys came into the room, until they snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked

"So do you believe now?" He asked

"I'm still debating Peter pan." I messed around.

"Oh just admit it you don't want to believe use because you know your parents where lying."

"That not it at all."

"Well we will see because you will be seeing your parents soon."


"Yes, and they can tell you the truth before they die."

"You stay away from my family." I said shooting up from the chair.

"or what?" He asked letting a stupid smirk form on his face.

"Or I will make you regret even thinking about hurting my family." I told him.

"Well it's to bad you won't get the chance, because you will die right next to your family." He explained to me and I lost it.

I picked up the chair and throw it at his head, but he dodged it. When he was looking at the chair I ran at him and did a backwards high kick, making him fly back into the wall.  He charged at me I moved turned and slapped him in the face. Then I did a side kick into his chest and he went  back into the wall. I went to charge at him but some guys came and grabbed my arms holding me back. When Loren got back up he walked over to me and slapped me across the face.

"I knew you would lose it eventually." He told me just as more people walked into the room.

"Loren come on we need to get ready for Saturday." Carl said

Loren gave me one last look my eyes full of fury. After  they left I was walking around the room thinking of a way I could possible get ride of this crew and protect my family.

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