Plan B

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After the guy whos name was Leno noticed that there was an inturuder in the hous allthree guys were looking around. Remo pulled up security cameras on his computer, and thats when I got an idea. I quietly found one of the secruity camera's and took it off the wall disceting it. I went back to were I could see in the office and Remo was still flipping through cameras.

"Wait, camera 37 isn't online. Have someone check that out." Remo ordered.

"On it." Then the blond headed guy got his phone and dialed a number. They sat there and waited for and answer. "Macilo said the camera wasn't there." the blond haired guy said moving the phone away from his ear.

"What do you mean it's not there?" Reno asked in a strong voice.

"He said that it wasn't there it had been ripped from the wall only thing left is the cords."

"Ok tell everyone there is an intruder and to find and bring it to me."Remo commanded while getting his gun out and loading it.

Then they headed out of the office closing the door. I waited for a minute making sure they were gone before I opened the vent and jumped down to the floor next to his desk. I looked around and walked behind his desk. I grabbed the breife case and opened it the see the file first thing. I grabbed it and opened it to see moms file first. I closed the file, put it in my bag then put the breifecase back.

When I stood back up I looked on the desk to see and open file. I closed it to look to see who's file it was, and it was the' SanDreas' Pack file laying there. I thought for a mnute and remembered Carl menetioning them, about them helping them with a mission. I thought for a minute then grabbed the file and taking out our file and switching the name stickers. I took out all the papers in the fle and placed them in the bag between our files and Eric's pack files.

When I was done i looked a little more on the desk facing the window to find more files. I thought for a minute but my thought were inturupted by a cough coming from behind me. I turned ariund to see Reno the two guys and more of his pack flanking him.

"Well Welll, look at what the cat draged in." Remo said leting a little laugh escape. "Arn't you a little young to be sneaking into people houses?" He asked.

"I don't know aren't you a little old to be running a gang?" I snapped back. After I said that his pack all said 'Oo'

"Oh we got a fiesty one. You must be Carloses daughter. I've been wondering if what they say was true."

"What do they say?"

"That you are the reason Death pack is dead, and you are on heck of a fighter." He said

"Yes that is true." I said sneaking my hand in my bag getting ready to go.

"Oh than this wil be fun, because you are coming with use." He said as they all oulle dout their guns.

"I would but the problem is y'allcan't see me." I said right before I rolled a smoke bomb under the desk and right in front of them.

When I went off i jumped on the desk and then to the vent. I heard all the comotin and when I got to the vent on the west wall it was shut and I could tell there were people guarding it. So I went with plan B. I went up to the roof and kicked the vent open not wanting to waist time.

"Dad,, Dad come in." I said in the com.

"Nova good your ok. Where are you?" Dad asked.

"There's been a change in plans. All I'm saying is i'm on my way down." I said looking over the edge of the building that would be between both groups.

I walked back going to get a running head start when there was a loud bang. I turned and saw Remo bursting through a door that lead to the roof with a cupple of other guys behind him.

"Man and I thought this was going too be easy." I said throwing my hands up the air.

"Sorry Honey but it isn't that easy."

I noticed he kept looking behind me and then I heard someone trying to sneaky up on me. I quickly acted, doing a side kick into his stomach and then doing a low sweeping kick, and kicking him in his knees making him fall on the ground landing on his back.

"I don't think so." I said moving some hair from my face.

"Get her."

"No,No,No, That's not how it gose." I said wiggling my finger at them making them stop

"Oh than how is it suppost to go like this?" He said just as everyone pulled out there guns and aiming them at me.

" No more like this." I said as I took off running towards the edge of the buliding, A couple guys shoot at me but missed. When I got to the edge I jumped adding a little back flpi as I did

As I got closer to the ground I took off my mesanger bag and let it go in front so it wouldn't impact my landing, When I was almost to the ground I did a flip and landed on my feet jumping and doing a flip on the ground so I wouldn't injure my ankle or even break it. I landed back on my feet from the flip and took of runing grabbing my bag as I ran pat it.

I ran into the woods at inhuman speed knowing the pack was near. Not long after they were next to me, we ran all the way to the van withoout stopping. When we got to the van I put my bag in the van and joined to other behind the van were Hunter was stationed at.

"Now that they know we have the fles they will be after use." My dad said.

"I wouldn't worry about that." I said.

"Why's that?"

"They my not know I have y'alls file." I said scratching behind my ear.

"What?" The Whole pack said I sync.

"I may have changed the file name with another packs file, and placed it where y'alls were." I said rubbing my hands together. "Also I delt with the pack it self they won't be comming after use."

"Ho.." Before he could finish there was a gun shot that went right next to my dad and Roberts head. I looked and saw a two guys there holding guns I acted and grabbed a metal pipe that was in the back of the van.

I ran up to them hot to.g them in the head with the pipe. One guy ran at me I lifted my leg up wrapping it around his neck and using all my force to flip him on to the ground. When I did his gun slid on the ground.

I ran over over and got it. I cocked it and aimed it at the guys who apparently all lost there guns. They stopped and looked at me with with fear and concern.

"Where is y'all pack?" I asked. When they didn't answer I shalt the first guy in the leg making him fall down.

"At the pack house!" One guy screamed

"Doing what?" I asked.

"In a meeting." He answered.

"Good y'alls purpose has been survived." With that I shot each of them killing them instantly. "Hunter where's my phone?" I asked. Walking past surprised pack members.

"Here" Hunter said tossing me my phone.

I put in the password then hacked into their pack house security cameras. Then there was a big explosion.

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