"five: losers get naked"

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something's wrong with my app oops TELL ME IF ITS WORKED PLS

shortish but I'm tired and wanted to update finally and group chat wanted to too

go 5sos tickets and I got my fob shirt woo


Michael set up the PlayStation four to the TV in the cabin, waiting for the three other boys to come down from the bunks as today had been a long day and they wanted to get comfortable. Michael put FIFA in to the consul when he saw Luke come down the stairs.

"What we playing?" Luke asked, slouching on the sofa as soon as his butt hit the material. "God this feels nice." Luke moaned softly, leaning his head back in to the cushions. He folded his arms over his chest, and Michael couldn't help but stare at his thick arms.

"F-Fifa." Michael stuttered softly.

Luke opened an eye to see Michael expression and chuckled. "cute." He mumbled.

Ashton and Calum came down, Ashton in between Mike and Luke and Calum next to Luke. Michael gave out the controllers he had and set the game up. "Teams?" Michael questioned.

"Dibs on Man United." Luke said before picking his team. Calum squealed, high fiving Luke, explaining it was his favourite team.

Michael turned to Ashton, who shrugged, "I don't play FIFA." So Michael chose Barcelona, before they began the game.

Luke was getting competitive with Michael when the game turned off and Luke whined like a four year old as Michael checked the time. "It's lights out." He mumbled, before standing up and running to the bunks.

He grabbed his bag pulling out a small box and running back down the stairs. Michael plugged it in and the gaming system turned on again. "Infinite wifi you are welcome." Michael grinned as he picked up his control and sat down again.

"Thank God we got Michael in our cabin." Luke sighed happily. "I love you Mike." He chuckled, his hand going to his chin and scratching at his slight beard.

Calum couldn't keep his eyes off of him. Calum wanted to leave a hickey on Luke's protruding Adam's apple, make his neck look pretty. He still had one on his jaw from Ashton's assault earlier that day.

"How about we play a game to make this more interesting?" Luke smirked, sitting up and looking at his boys.

"Like what?" Ashton questioned.

"Strip FIFA."

Michaels eyes widened as he set his hand on his tummy, he didn't want that to happen. Ashton subtly gulped before nodding.

"I wanna see Calum's cute butt so okay." Ashton chuckled, covering up his hesitation. "Mike?" He turned to Michael.

"Yeah sure. But um I don't want to get naked."

"I'll strip for us." Ashton smiled, he may have been uncomfortable about it but he didn't want Michael too as well.

"Okay with every goal scored, the other team has to take off a piece of clothing. First team naked loses."

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