[ Chptr. 2 ]

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Frisk stepped out onto the chilly cold snow. Every step Frisk took, she had made foot prints tag behind herself. Frisk looked around with such interest, she found this beautiful.

"Br-rr-r", her teeth chattered as she spoke. It was cold, too cold, for she had only a blue purple-stripped sweater and black shorts.

All of a sudden a migraine hit her. Her eyes darted around in panic and a set of sweat glided down your cheek. She grasped her chest, holding it as tight as possible.

-sNAp- A twig from behind her snapped. She quickly turned behind herself to see something she wish she hadn't encountered. "I -I " , her mouth felt dry for every stutter she spoke and it was hard to speak especially with such a headache on herself. She began to turn pale and utterly anxious.

" Hey Kid, is that how you greet a friend?" the Skeleton spoke with a childish grin across the ends of his cheek bones. " I'm Sa-" She fell to the ground on her knees struggling to breathe and everything seemed to fade out. Shocked the worry some skeleton rose his voice, " K-kid?"

She tried to open her eyes to see what was going on, she just saw a misshapen blurry figured in front. All she heard was a muffled voice calling out for her. Frisk could tell worry layered his voice. She couldn't hold on any longer and she decided to give in.
-She blacked out-
"Hello?" She softly called out for someone as she were surrounded by nothingness.
Frightened she walked forward, she saw a figure. Frisk seems to recognize it so she called out for it. "Hello!" half cupping her mouth so she was loud enough to get its attention.
"Y o U  d I R t y  B r O T h e r K I l l E r. " it spoke coldly, sending chills down her spine making frisk quiver. "W-wait? I d-don't understand, wh-wha-" she froze as everything surround her with black.

She is now scared. Frisk feared for the worst to happen. She wanted to move but couldn't, she was forced by some kind of magic holding her still-forcefully. She rose up her head to find a skeleton in front of her.

She has angered him for whatever reason and it seems he will show no MERCY. His eye sockets were blank except for his right eye, it had blue flames emerging from it uncontrollably. His right hand also had blue flames, it extended towards her. Frisk realized that she had no other choice but to just stare in shock.

"A R E YOU R E A D Y T O H A V E A BAD T I M E?" It spoke rashly, giving a sadistic grin.-fwoosh-spree-fwree-Bones had plunged into her very being,"AHHHHHH" she yelled, beginning to sob uncontrollably. "StOP!" ,she squirmed in pain as the bones were plunged in her. Feeling numb all over, the tears streaming down her face and red darkened blood gliding down every part of her body.

-she passed out-
"aAAAAAAA-" ,Frisk yelled as she woke up terrified, still laying on a bed, yelling on the top of her lungs with her back arching and a river of tears streaming down her puffy cheeks.

"Kid?Kid!" ,Sans rose his voice and griped onto Frisks shoulders then grabbing her face to face him, desperately trying to get her attention. "Kid!" ,He yelled nervously.

"A-ah.." , Frisk stopped screaming. Huffing as she tried to catch her breath. She was facing the skeleton(sans but she never got his name),who looked like a nervous wreck at the moment. Both of them were quiet as the sound of small pants filled the room.

"You alright there kid? I didn't mean to rattle your bones",he chuckled to himself as his own joke made him laugh. "Hehehe" she couldn't help but chuckle with him as well.

She'd then noticed cold, yet boney fingers and palms holding onto her face. A tiny color of pink were brushed beneath her cheeks.

" y-your, I-I, your h-hands.." She stuttered underneath her breath. Sans just stared at her for a couple of seconds, it sort of confused Frisk.

He dropped his hands off her face to have it tucked back in his pockets. " Sorry kid." He spoke in a chill tone, "The names Sans, Don't wear it out." He winks then chuckles, his vibe felt welcoming she thought.

Frisk scooted back a bit, still unconvinced. "Hi sans! I. Um.. My name is Frisk!" She spoke confident.

"Sup Frisk, you were kind of in.. a 'Frisky' situation there" ,He grinned widely.

"I'm sorry! aah..//frisk tries to thinks of a Pun//, 'tibia' honest, I guess I could've had worse" she smirked unconfirmed with her pun.

His grin still remained, " Hey Frisk, pal, kid. You sure you're going to be alright?" He spoke while Scratching the back of his skull.

"Yes, I'm fine now." Frisk got up and jumped of the bed and studied her surroundings. She noticed a trash tornado, and a pile of dirty socks in the corner over there. She giggled as she began to head towards the door.

"Hey, hey , hey. " ,Sans quickly got up and placed his boney hands on her shoulder. " Where do you think you're going kid?" He said in a tone that is serious as his smile faltered down. 

Frightened Frisk quickly wiped his hand off her shoulder. She had recognized an odd tension around him. The tension really felt similar to the one in her dreams. She had huge doubts, suddenly they began to form, a memory flashed in her thoughts then began back away from him.

"Kid." His white pupil in his eye-sockets had shrunken. "You can't leave." A pearl of sweat formed in the side of his temple of a skull.

Frisk pouted her small quivering lips. Tears formed on the edges of her eyes and quickly placed her sweaty hand on the door knob, " Get away ! Yo- you killer!" She opened the door and ran quickly down the stairs.

"Kid! Frisk! Dammit!" Sans grunted as he ran downstairs after her knowing she won't go that far so quick.

"No!" She yelped and suddenly came to a stop as she saw a tall skinny-boned skeleton in front of the door. " Ah!" She squealed.

He was confused and then realized, "HUMAN?" He gasped. " SANS, SANS COME HERE QUICK! FOR I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAVE SEEN A HUMAN!" He yelled as his small older brother decided to teleport down near him.

" I know pap. I already found this human. I brought her here." Sans said irritated.
"Come here you squirt!" He reached out after her.

"Get away!" Frisk shouted as she made her way towards the kitchen.|His name is papyrus? She thought to herself| She spotted an open window and turns behind to find Sans at the entrance of the kitchen. 

"Yo, kid. Why don't you give up running? I'll always be there to find ya." Sans smirked and gave devious wink.

"No you won't!" Frisk exclaimed as she leapt towards the open window and escaped. She ran and ran and ran and didn't stop until she was deep in the forest. She saw a huge bush over by those trees and jumped in it to hide and take cover.

Meanwhile, still at the skeleton brothers house, Sans and Papyrus, their jaws wide open in shock.

"uGH!" Sans grunted in anger. " Stupid kid! Hold on Pap, I'll be right back!" He stated.
" B-BUT BROTHER, T-" Before Papyrus could finish his older brother had already left in a disappearance to look for the human.

Sans felt Determination.

Hey guys! I hope you like it :0 I wrote this on school and while doing homework 🌚 huehe he
Anyways leave a comment to leave me some tips to improve my writing and leave a comment if you want me to C o n t i n u e! :3 bye!

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