[ Chptr. 5]

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The door slammed open. Two friends huffed out of exhaustion from running. Both had smiles that could be stretched for miles. They fell on the ground in the middle of the living room laughing out of breath.

Frisk clutched onto her stomach,
" That. Was . Fun!" She shouted with joy and rolled side to side covering her face with her sweaty palms out of embarrassment and shyness.

Sans laid there staring at the hyped child. He wondered how she'll turn out when she'd grow up. He would exhale and the humid mist would come out of his mouth, smiling with hope, he'd hold on tight to that hope.

"SANS! HUMAN! YOU HAVE CAME! ", Papyrus exclaimed as he walked towards them grabbing Frisk, holding her up and spinning around with her.
"NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus chuckled.

"Wee! Papaya!" She flings her arms around in excitement. Her butterscotch hair brushed against her face.

" Hey Paps" ,Sans greeted his small taller brother. He broke out of his spacing out. He stood up and walked to the couch.

"HI MY DEAR BROTHER, THE HUMAN IS GIVING GIGGLES!" He exclaimed holding Frisk football style. She began wiggling trying to escape his grip. He noticed and shouted, " HUMAN ARE YOU TRYING TO ESCAPE MY GRASP? FEAR NOT FOR I WILL GIVE YOU TO SANS. I AM MAKING SPAGHETTI FOR DINNER! " he throws Frisk towards Sans.

Sans startled held onto Frisk on his lap. Frisk throwing a fit of giggles.
"Gee Paps, what a way to be gentle.", he chuckled. He looked upon Frisk, she was cuddling against him. She looked pretty sleepy. He carefully took off his jacket and put it over them as if it could be a blanket.
He could feel her heart synchronize in beats.
It soothed him, it relaxed him. He rested against Frisk as they dozed out.


"S— A*N Σ -s.." The figure spoke. It sounded kind of glitchy. He kind of recognized it, like if he had heard it before. Darkness surround them him.

"Y-yeah?" , he called out. He took a step forward. The presence of this place made him feel uneasy. A feeling he wished he would never encounter again.

"b Ew Ar 3 0f tH 3 HUMAN" the voice whispered rather rashly with a touch of static and glitches.

"G- Gaster.. Is that you? Where are you? Where am I? Why? Beware of Sherman? Her man? What?" Sans responded rather nervously looking for Gaster.

"T h3 c""!0 R€–•*!!!" It screeched rather loud, it echoed around the nervous skeleton.

"STOP!" He yelled desperately shutting his eye sockets closed tightly.

Everything silenced.

Sans woke up and sat up sharply waking Frisk up. He was sweating nervously as the sweat glistened on his skull. He was breathing heavily out of air.

"S- Sans?.. What's wrong?" Frisk sat up slouching onto Sans and cuddles him. Her hair was messy from moving so much in her sleep because of Sans sudden movements and shifting.

Sans looked at her, only seeing the top of her head. He saw strands of her butterscotch colored hair stick out. He swore underneath his breath that if he could, he would count every single strand of her precious luscious hair. He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close.

"Hm?" Frisk looked up at sans, her bangs were swept to the sides to get a better view of him. She smiled kindly and cuddled more onto his chest and couldn't resist a giggle.

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