[ Chptr. 7 ]

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The water swayed beneath the boat, the water ran against the surface of it making cradle in the process when suddenly, it came to a stop.
Frisk noticed that it stopped near the dock and so did the rest. They were now in Snowdin. Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys got of the boat and Frisk slowly but carefully jumped out of Sans lap and stepped onto the dock, with Sans following after.

Soon the rest started walking to Grillbys, it'd probably take 30 minutes to walk there.
Papyrus would talk about spaghetti and beg Undyne to still let him be a part of the royal guard. Undyne would explain how to make spaghetti and would tell Papyrus no, rejecting his desperation. Alphys would talk to Sans talking about Anime related stuff and about her blog on the undernet. Sans would compliment her interests about Anime and suggests giving her a shoutout for her blog [since he does have a lot of followers lmao] and crack Puns making Alphys feel more comfortable laughing.

Lastly, Frisk.. well .. um.. she just walked behind them all, watching them enjoy each other company. It made her feel fake whenever she'd talk to them. In her heart she knew she loves them all, very dearly, but her mind would say otherwise. Probably she's just unmotivated Frisk thought to herself.

She continued walking behind them, she walked slower, and slower, and slower.. she stopped, but they kept on walking. Leaving her behind. It made her heart sank, she didn't know why she felt like not being with them but she didn't want to be left alone. It confused her, her mind felt scrambled, so much mixed emotions made conflict in her slow beating heart. She didn't know what she felt, she'd rather not feel anything at all. Frisk did feel happy with Sans, making him feel the same she thought but something in her heart told her this wasn't true, he probably forced himself to have a friendship with her out of pity.

She took a step backward, step after step, suddenly running away from the group. She ran and ran and ran, breathing heavily. Frisk forced herself to run faster and faster until she had somewhere to stop at. She stopped at a cave outside of Snowdin, she took her last huff and took a step forward.

She walked in, the view took her breath away, it looked so beautiful. The blue water glistened, reflecting shades of bright blue on the cavern walls, lighting the cave up. The flowers sparkled and were as bright as a lamp. The cavern ceiling had stars that stood out the most. She didn't feel so dreaded and bland anymore.

"Wow.." She whispered and walked down a path while she took in every sight of the cave. Each step echoed throughout the cave, her foot thumped against the moist popcorn floor. At the end of the path, there was one bright blue flower, surrounded by the glistening water. She walked further and met the end of the path, now near the flower at the center of the glistening water that's surrounding them.

Frisk knelt down and faced the flower, admiring it's bright glow.
"So beautiful.." Frisk complimented. Suddenly a voice came out of the flower,
"So beautiful.." It copied Frisk. It shocked her but it seemed to fascinate her also.
"I wish.. I knew how I felt..." She spoke to the flower, this time it didn't repeat, it was odd she thought.
"Heh.. It's like your listening.." Frisk chuckled by the thought of that and played with her fingers.
"Let me tell you a pun.." She started off slightly giggling,
"Why did the human felt .. Happy..with Sans.." She leaned in closer toward the glowing flower, she had whispered the last few words she had said. She waited for the flower to imitate her back, but only silence occurred. She closed her eyes and let out a disappointed sigh until.. It imitated back.

"Because the moment was sansational being with him.." The flower spoke, it's voice was low and deep, it wasn't Frisks voice. Soon Frisk heard a step behind her.

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