[ Chptr. 6 ]

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What do you mean? You want to be their friends? They only want to use you.
In the end you die.
You will die and be forgotten and no one will help you.

' Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains. '

Frisk. H a v e n t y o u l e a r n e d?

' You have permission to walk way from anything that doesn't feel right. T r u s t your instincts and l i s t e n to your inner-voice— it's trying to p r o t e c t you. '

I'm here to help you.
I'm a part of you.
I am you.

Aren't you determined?

In the end you only have yourself, and I.

"She's what?!"

"U-uh-uhh, o-oh m-my-my.."

"Our dear friend! Please don't hurt her 'nor turn the human in!"

" yeah she doesn't do any harm. Come on gills, I could say she's feeling quite bonely, she said she wanted to be your friend too."

Harsh whispers danced onto every corner of the room and gently hummed into Frisks ear.

Heavy eyelids forced itself to open but only reached half way. Frisks hands flew besides her thighs and she elevated her back off of a soft cushioned surface. Her hair flipped forward and back onto her shoulders. She panted out small breaths and faced downward as her butterscotch hair hung beside her flushed sweaty face.

The whispers, they have stopped. Only dead silence lingered in the room.

Frisk stopped panting and lifted her head up slightly to take sight of her surroundings.
She spotted the SkeleBros staring right at her and a red-haired,blue and very muscular fished woman, and a short, chubby, yellow-scaled dinosaur who wore a white lab coat with oversized round brown glasses, staring at her as well.

The blue fish woman seemed livid and stood out the most. She gave an impression as if she is fish to be tied towards Frisk.

"YOU!" She roared as her gills flared apoplectically. She marched toward the human and stood opposite to Frisk. She raised her hand upwards and balled her hand into a fist. Suddenly a long blue spear was in her hand and it was pointed towards Frisk.

"UNDYNE!!!", Papyrus and the yellow-scaled dinosaur yelled as the ran directly at Undyne, the blue fish woman. Papyrus held onto Undyne's wrists and the yellow-scaled dinosaur hugged behind her around her waist. The two friends tried to convince her to stop threatening Frisk but she was stubborn.

"Look. Undyne she isn't causing any harm, now is she?" Sans suddenly appeared and stood in front of Frisk.

"Look Sans! If we kill her now and have her turned in to King Asgore, he'll finally have seven souls! Seven souls to break the barrier that the HUMANS created to keep us down here! Down in the underground away from the world!" She yelled and tried to pull her hand downwards to stab Frisk.

"No, you can't kill her." He grabbed onto the spear and stared directly towards Undynes eye.
"You will not.." He tightened his grip on the blue spear and watched Undyne and the rest around him puzzled.
"..Kill her." He finished glacially as he snapped the blue spear in half and it dissolved away.

"...." Everyone stayed quite. The room felt tense and heavy. This only frightened Frisk but she knew she had many other things to face.

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