[ Chptr. 3 ]

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*Pitter-patter* Frisk's steps were heard against the chilly snow. Burying her chin down her fluffy turtle neck to get warmth around her neck. Her cheeks were rosy due to the atmosphere around the environment she's in. Her short brown, soft silky hair brushed against her shoulders with every step she took. It seems that Frisk has small twigs between the strands of her hair and dirt on her left corner bottom lip and the tip of her small nose from hiding in the green bush.

She began sniffling "I need to get warm.. Somewhere.." , Frisk said worryingly. "Gugrgrrgehrr", Frisk's stomach growled. "Somewhere warm and with food.." , she pouted in embarrassment.

Frisk then spotted a Building from a far. It had a sign, it read as "Grillbys".

"Aha!", she exclaimed in excitement. " I can go there!" , she exclaimed while running towards the place.

Frisk arrived and stood in front of the building, "Grillbys". She carefully took a step forward, placing her tiny shaken hands onto the door. She was cautious due to knowing there's a full chance of monsters that are in there probably wanting to kill her as soon as they lay eyes on her. She quietly pushes the door open and enters with her head tilted down, facing the floor.

|hmm.. The place is packed.. I hope they won't notice me.. I hope..| Frisk thinks to herself as she is walking towards the red high chair-stool(?).

" May I have an order of Fries?" Frisk spoke very softly avoiding eye contact with a monster in front of her.

It didn't seem to hear her so it leaned closer. Suddenly Frisks face felt heat. So she decided to confront it. It was a flaming Man. Flaming bartender man. As strange as it seemed, she spoke again repeating her order with confidence.

The flaming-man smiled and walked away into the back and in a second he came with the order. It was steaming hot and cooked fresh. It looked very delicious, she couldn't wait to eat! She paid him for the food then he left.

"Finally!" , she happily sighed. |oh wait.. I can't eat my fries plain...| Frisk thought to herself. She then proceeded to grab the salt beside her and sprinkled some on the crispy flakey steaming fries. She tried looking for ketchup but it was nowhere near. |should I ask?..| she questioned herself in her thoughts.

Before she could ask the bartender, a deep tone voice spoke behind her, " Want some ketchup?".

Frisk began to grow nervous, she recognized that voice, it was Sans. "N-no thank you." , she stuttered.

" 'Kay then, the more the better." , he plotted on the high stool chair next to Frisk. He examines her, carefully. He casually, yet quietly takes a sip or two from his ketchup bottle.

Frisk is now uncomfortable. ".." Now this is awkward. What else can she do now? She peeked a glance at the skeleton.

"O-oh." She whispered beneath her voice. Her cheeks were tinted with a pink color. She had caught him staring at her. Really uncomfortable situation now.

"What's wrong?" The lazily grinned skeleton spoke. " Cat got your tongue?" He questioned as he took another sip of his ketchup bottle.

"Listen, I -I just want to eat." She exclaimed while placing her hands gently on the bar table.

"Who's stopping you?" He chuckled as a shitty grin spread across his face.

"I meant without being bothered!" She angrily took one crispy flakey fry and plopped it upon her mouth. Frisk grumpily chewed it accepting that he's not going to be leaving her anytime soon.

"You're a grumpy one aren't 'cha kiddo" Sans chuckled as he ruffled Frisks hair. She seemed to struggle by fixing her hair again for it was now a mess after the hair ruffling. He sat up straight on the stool and chugged the whole ketchup bottle.

"Ha-how could you chug all that?" She said while eating a fry after another one followed by that one. She stared at him with curiosity.

"Eh it's another one of my talents" he shrugged as placed the empty ketchup bottle on the counter as it danced on the counter in small circles then came to a stop.

Both of them looked at the hollow ketchup bottle that was once filled, the lid half open yet smeared with stains of ketchup.

"Sans.." Frisk called his name out to grab his attention.

"Yea kiddo?" He placed his hand on his cheek and rested on it looking at the human.

Frisk spoke, along with her hand movements following her explanation, "I'm sorry for running away, you frightened me and I didn't know what to do. I was fanatic at the moment, I- I—" she got cut off by Sans, his other hand was placed on top of Frisks lip/mouth.

"Kiddo, it's alright . Can you come with me now? I won't harm you but remember, we skeletons, aren't very used to having humans or others than ourselves. Got that kid?" Sans smile softened. It didn't look so tense anymore.

"Oh,.. Okay I'll come!" Frisks nodded in agreement and happily said, " Got it!".

"Then c'mon kiddo, let's make like a tree and leaf" Sans chuckled and took the little kids hand.

Frisk giggled and griped onto his hand, she looked up at the Skeleton and smiled as they walked out of Grillbys.

New friendship filled her with

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