[ Chptr. 4]

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The cold mist of the air danced with the snows scent, a scent that could be only smelled as moist soil, the silt with crystalline water ice that falls from the puffed clouds that spread around the atmosphere. White, soft, fluffy like substance forms into glass like snow flakes. The snow flakes surrounds them, it grazed among them and fell onto every object gliding down on them like as the movement of a green scaled snake slithering down a tree.

Chirping were heard, it called into the distance, it rhythms with the flutters of the bird creatures wings that's soaring through 'sky'. Every breath Frisk took and exhaling out, moisture vapor came out, similar to fog, depends on the condensation and the humidity. 

" Hey kid. ", A deep voice occurred breaking the silence.

For a second Frisk stays quiet sealing their thoughts for now, letting out the last huff of 'fog' before she spoke.
"yeah.. Yes Sans?..", she turned to look at him and smiled kindly, mostly out of habit.

"Heh.." He pulls up his hoodie and pulling the strings on the sides until it fits him perfectly every angle of his 'face'.
"It's pretty today isn't it?" He looks up above, seeing fusions of blue soft colors and white. He saw the snowflakes. It glistened beautifully, they were charming he thought.

"Yeah, I agree with you. The snowflakes are beautiful I must say.." , Frisk confessed as she gently held one sky blue-glass snowflake.  She faced Sans and held the snow flake in both her smooth beige hands.
"Look" , she whispered.

Frisks whisper made Sans shudder in a way that makes him feel like his 'pores' would 'sweat', yet it pleasured him in a soothing way that would make him feel as if it could caress him with a cuddle, now his breath evened with Frisks breath. Both creating 'fog' in unison, side by side they watched the snowflake melt in Frisks hand and slithered down the edges of her palms.

"That's ..pretty, kid.." , he managed to speak.
He looks away and stares at his surroundings. He realizes that they are near his house now.
"Look, we are almost here." He turns to look at the human female and gives her a shyly grin, his 'usual' grin.

Frisk smiles and drops her arms by her sides and said, " We are? It was such a nice walk." She shyly looks at the ground below her black smudged shoes and plays with each one of her fingers.
"I hope we can take a walk out soon! Anyways race you to the house!" She confidently giggled with a goofy smile plastered on her even tone face. She then took off running with determination running through her veins.

"..!" Sans just stared at her in shock, not in an awful way, he stared at her with surprise, hope. "You bet'cha kid!" He exclaimed grinning like an idiot.

Her smile represented her personality, her personality represented her heart, her heart represented her soul, and her soul, well, it represented her determination.

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