Little Spitfire Princess?

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Okay, so first off Sorry, i thought i had posted an update as to why i wouldn't be posting for a little bit but i hadn't published so i had pretty much written it out for nothing, so long story short, i moved house... again. and didn't have internet. also i graduated. yay. no more school. and then i had my half sister, (half? i don't know) brother in law and baby niece come to visit for a few days so i was forced to stay off my laptop so no updates then either.

But now, an extra long update, sort of shows who's on Bella's side and now i'm gonna spoil it a little. Not the best chapter but it's something and un edited cause i wanted to give you guys something asap. message me any mistakes and I'll fix them, enjoy.

Bella POV

Sam and I sat at the kitchen bench, where I had been sitting before. Emily and Daddy were talking in the kitchen as he helped her make more food.

"So Bella, what's with the blanket? Are you cold?" I smiled shyly at Sam and shook my head.

"No, it's just... my hair... it's not exactly normal Quileute hair." I didn't know why I was nervous about my hair now, I had never cared before but when I got out of the car I had to grab the blanket to help hide my hair. Looking at my dad I sighed before turning away from Sam, and slowly lowering the blanket, pulling it around and rolling it up on my lap. Emily gasped before running around the counter to touch my hair, a smile lit up her face.

"I love your hair Bella. It's so pretty." I smiled at her, still a little shy about it. I turned around to see Sam smiling softly, he reached out and twirled a lock of hair around his fingers.

"She's right you know, I like it, it suits you. You don't need to be self conscious around us. I'd rather get to know the real you straight away." I grinned and practically threw myself into his arms.

I always wanted to know what Sam was like, I pictured every kind of person as my brother but I'm happy this is how he is, I'm glad that I can be a part of his life now. I pulled back and he rested a hand on my shoulder as he looked up at our dad.

"Do you want to stay for dinner, you can meet the others, we're having a bonfire out the back. You're more then welcome to join us. I'm sure Bella would like to hear the legends." Sam asked Daddy. I turned to dad, interested in the legends and wanting to stay, but I knew it was up to him.

"She doesn't know them yet, but Sam... if the council knew I was here—" before he could finish Sam raised his hand.

"The council isn't invited, only us and the pa—boys." I watched Sam as he made his little slip up at the end. What's that about? Sam smiled at me, but it was one of those 'oh crap did she catch that' kind of smiles. I acted like I didn't but I knew I'd have to figure out what was going on, after all we're family, and families don't keep secrets.

I was getting hungry again, I reached across the counter to where I had left my lollies, which still had most of them inside, not feeling the packet I turned to see if I had just judged the angle wrong. Instead of seeing my packet of lollies I saw nothing, I stood up and looked on the floor, in case someone had accidentally knocked them off without realising it, but they weren't there either.

"Where are my lollies?" Daddy immediately turned to me, giving the kitchen a quick look, but not finding anything he started to look nervous.

"Um Bella—" I cut him off. One of my two rules was no one touched my junk food, not even Daddy unless I offered.

"Sam would one of the pigs in there of taken them?" I didn't know why I asked, as I pointed into the other room, I already know they were the only ones who could have. Sam opened his mouth to reply but I was already walking into the other room, a living room and a dining room all rolled into one, five boys were sitting in the lounge room, talking loudly and laughing at things as they ate cookies and muffins. My eyes seemed to zero in on the now empty lolly packet on the large coffee table which sat in front of the TV.

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