Stories and Movies

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A/N: Okay so severely unedited and rushed but i realised how long i had left this story alone for and although i have three assignments due well tomorrow now, i had to rush. As always comment any mistakes and I'll fix them and enjoy the chapter, even if its unedited and probably has more mistakes then both of the previous chapters combined and will probably make no sense. but any way ... 

Bella POV

- Time Skip -

Almost everyone had finished their desserts, some were still eating slices of cake, I looked up in time to see four of the boys, two of which were Mr. Lolly Thief and Mr. Smirk, when they got close to the table, they all stopped and looked at each other, they all started to argue. I looked at the table and realised there was only one slice of cake left, and all four of them wanted it. I looked down at the jar in my hand and realised their wasn't even a little bit left, and I was still hungry. I had never been like this before but recently my appetite has been growing, I'm probably about to go through a growth spurt or something.

I watched the boys as I stood up, Sam glanced at me but I ignored him and still watching the boys I walked over to the table and got a plate, taking the slice of cake before the boys argue with me, but they didn't even notice, still arguing over which one of them got the cake. There was a little bit left of each sauce so rather then waste it I poured all of them onto my cake. Looking up at the boys I noticed they still hadn't realised I had even moved. I smirked an idea coming to me, I had to have some fun with this. After getting a fork I walked towards the boys who were still arguing.

"Excuse me, boys" I said, without stopping, they parted down the middle, making an isle with two boys on each side but they didn't even glance my way. I stopped in the middle of them, but they continued to argue over the top of me. I just shrugged and took a bit of the cake and continued to walk, making sure to make a noise I placed my fork back on the plate, this time Mr. Smirk looked at me, his eyes practically narrowed in on the plate in my hand. One by one, the others quickly noticed that I had gotten the cake, I just continued to my seat though, they were still silent by the time I had sat down, Sam was laughing beside me, having seen the whole thing, Daddy who sat on Sams' other side was trying hard not to laugh.

Eventually everyone settled down and Sam called everyone to sit down so he could start the legends, I moved so I was facing Sam fully, Emily moved to my side and wrapped both her arms around my one, when I looked at her she smiled and whispered in my ear.

"I love these legends, keep an open mind when listening to them, It'll change the way you think of everything eventually, I guarantee it." I stared at her for a moment before looking back at Sam, catching a glimpse of him giving Emily a look. What is going on here?

Sam started the legends and I  could already feel hatred for Utlapa, and sorrow for Taha Aki, but Sam had just begun and I knew since it was the legends of the tribe that there would be a lot more.

...Taha Aki had been away from his body long enough to be in agony. He felt doomed of never being able to cross the line between life and death. The great wolf followed him through the forest and Taha Aki felt jealous of the animal; at least it had a body and a life. At that moment the Spirit Chief had an idea that changed the future of the Quileutes. He asked the animal if he could share his body with him and the wolf complied. As a single being, the wolf and the man went to the village. The people feared the wolf, shouting for the warriors' help. The warriors came with spears in their hands, but they stopped in surprise of what the wolf was doing: the wolf was retreating from the warriors and trying to yelp the songs of their people. The warriors realized what it was doing and could only think that it was being influenced by a spirit.

An old warrior, Yut, disobeyed the orders of the false chief and left his body. Yut gathered the truth in an instant and welcomed Taha Aki. Almost instantly, Utlapa realized what had happened and raced towards Yut's body with his knife. The other warriors were confused. Yut went back into his body but could not fight Utlapa off before warning the others, as he was too old. Taha Aki watched as Yut's spirit left the world and he returned to the wolf's body feeling a great rage. The wolf shuddered and transformed into a man before the eyes of the warriors. The man did not look like Taha Aki's body, but like his spirit self, which the warriors recognized instantly. Utlapa tried to run but Taha Aki had the strength of the wolf and killed him. Upon realization of what had happened, everything returned to normal. The only change he kept in place was the forbidding of spirit travel. From then on he was known as the Great Wolf or the Spirit Man. He led the tribe for many years because he did not age. He fathered many sons, who in time found that they too could turn into wolves on reaching manhood. However, they were all different because the wolf form reflected the spirit of the man. Some became warriors like Taha Aki and did not age, others did not like to transform, and started to age...

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