Missing Mystery

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Chapter Five

A/N: Rushed and unedited. I really wanted to get this out because you guys are awesome and have been asking for it, I'll come back later on and edit it, probably change some wording but i will keep the story line the same. any ideas on how to make Sams POV better are welcome cause i struggled to get it to sound like he's the type of guy who thinks a lot and talks a little like i picture him to be. :) feel free to comment on any mistakes but please be nice, it's like 4:00AM here and I'm tired so there will probably be a lot of them :)

Emmett POV

The sound of a vampire being ripped apart sounded similar to a large boulder being split in two and that's exactly the sound I heard while I was running through the trees by the river, the sound was quickly followed by a large splash. I quickly ran to the edge of the cliff above the river, it was about eight metres down to a bunch of rocks on which laid a girl, a teenager which long hair, she was wearing a pair of shorts and a sport shirt which were both torn up pretty badly. Noticing her eyes on me I took the chance to yell out to her.

"Hey, are you hurt?" Before she answered she closed her eyes and i watched as her breathing slowed to a steady rhythm. "Dammit. What the hell is she doing here?" Jumping down, i landed right next to her and gave her the once over to make sure i wouldn't do anything to further hurt her if i picked her up to carry her back to the house. Once I was confident she would be okay I gently picked her up, knowing how fragile humans could be, especially if she was anything like Isabella, after she was settled and secure in my arms I quickly jumped the eight metres up the the small cliff and ran as fast as I safely could with the human in my arms, rushing back to the house, using my thoughts to tell Edward to ask Carlisle to prepare for the girls arrival.

Once the house was in sight I focused on getting her up to Carlisles' office without bumping her against any wall's. Walking through the living room I saw the family gathered, waiting for me most likely because Edward had told them what I was doing. Carlisle made his way over to me, walking at a human pace as he observed the girl.

"She's Quileute, at least half anyway, we should call Mr. Uley Once I done a proper examination of her, please carry her to my Office I'll be there in a moment" Following Carlisles' order I rushed her up to the office and placed her on the bed, laying her on her back after carefully moving her hair from behind her and letting it hang off the side of the bed. Carlisle arrived just a few seconds later, his hands full with a glass cup and a jug of water. "Tell me what happened Emmett ."

As he set to work on the girl I recounted everything that I knew of what happened by the time I was finished talking he was finished his examination and was now bandaging her left ankle. "Is she alright?" i asked when he finished, using a clip to secure the bandage.

"She'll be fine, just a matter of how long, at first I thought she hit her head when you told me she possibly fell in the water, its quite shallow where you found her but there's no trace of any impact to the head, normally there is at least a mark but there isn't, I'm not sure if we should eliminate the possibility of a concussion. Her ankle might be fractured, but I need an X-ray to say for sure, I don't think the Quileute Tribe would appreciate it if I took one of their own to the Forks hospital, I really must buy one of those, especially if Isabella is to stay human for as long as Edwards wants her to, other than that however, there is nothing wrong. I need to go and call the Uley household, stay with her and if she wakes up offer her a glass of water." I quickly nodded at him before he left, letting him know I understood.


It had been hours since Bella's note was discovered, saying she would be back in time for breakfast, I already had half the pack out searching, at first I only had Jared and Embry out, thinking she had gotten lost, but then they howled alerting us to the smell of a leach being discovered and I had sent out a couple more of the boys, in fact I would be out there with them if I didn't have to keep Dad here. Quil was outside in wolf form so he could easily phase and tell us any news that the Pack had. Right now Dad was pacing in the hallway, wanting to go out and search for Bella but he knew I would just stop him. Emily was sitting on my lap, gently rubbing my shoulder to help and keep me calm, as we waited for news, she knew how much I wanted to be out there searching for Bella. I guess I was thankful, apparently Paul wasn't taking the fact that his Imprint was missing with a leach in our territory, I don't think I could take his thoughts and he, mine if we both had to be phased.

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