Hey guys!

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A/N: Hey there readers! So, as I said in my last update, I've been suffering from major writers block. Probably the worst I've ever had. I was stupid and strayed from my original plot line, and now I can't remember for the life of me where in the world I was going to take this story. However, I just had a fantastic idea of how to restart and actually have a plotline to follow. The story is going to be a lot different (for starters, its gonna be in first person), but honestly, I really like this idea. So, I'm sorry, but I will not he updating Good Girl Goes Bad anymore. My new story is going to be called Playing With Fire, and I really really hope you guys will take the time to read it! And I'm gonna be a good author and stick to the storyline this time :D so, yeah, sorry if any of you guys actually liked where this was going, cuz I can't find a single direction to take it. Trust me, I literally stand around for 6 hours at work doing nothing and still can't come up with anything. So, I'm gonna restart with this new idea, and hopefully it turns out well. Wish me luck!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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