Chapter 1 The Encounter

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{Gohan's POV}
      I'm scared. Where is this man taking me? What is he gonna do to me? I wined loudly crying for my dad. "Stop wining brat. I'm not going to harm you. I'm just going to lure your father to my location." The man said. I ignored him and kept wining. When we landed to the location, there was this thing that was like a small space. He stuck me inside it I kept crying for my dad. "Why are you crying?" I heard a small voice say. I turn around to see a girl my age.

    "This man took me away from my father and brought me here." I managed to choke out. "That's just my father, Raditz." Before I knew it, she hugged me. I felt a weird feeling inside of me. I hugged back and stopped crying. " I know my father can be mean, but it'll all work out sometime." She said. She pulled away from the hug and smiled at me. Something about that smile makes me feel weird inside.

    My eyes got used to the darkness inside the small space and saw the girl's face. She had (h/c) hair that was kind of (short, long, medium) length. She had big (e/c) eyes the color of (the sky, grass, chocolate). Her pretty (s/c) skin was so... so... pretty. She makes me feel as if wanting to stay with her here, forever. This is weird, I don't even know where these strange words are coming from. Finally she spoke " My name is (y/n). I'm 4." She said. "M-my name is Gohan. I'm 4 too." I said.

      I saw from the pink thing that dad had got here. (He's 4 it's not misspelled). I started banging against the glass and yelling for my dad. I was mad. (Y/n) didn't say anything as she sat down on the chair inside the space.

       I saw the man with long hair hit my dad as he fell to the floor. I got angry and broke through the pink thing. I hit the man making him fall back. It was black after that.

  {3rd person POV}

      As Goku and Raditz kept fighting. The young girl only watched from the broken glass. She was curious about the boy whom she encountered. She felt nothing towards him but was hoping that after this fight was over, a new friendship would blossom between them.
      After the fight was over, Goku and Raditz lying lifeless on the ground. The girl ran out of the pod towards Piccolo. "Um what happened to my dad and Gohan's dad?" She asked the Namekian. "They're dead."he said. The girl stared blankly at the man. She never actually cared about her father, but worried about Gohan's reaction to his father's absence. She noticed the man, rather Namekian, pick up Gohan.

    "Where are you taking him?" She asked Piccolo curiously. "I'm taking him somewhere to train him." He said as he flew off. The girl just sat there next to her father's lifeless body. She placed her hand in his cold one and smiled at how small her hand was compared to his. She walked to a patch of grass that had a flower and plucked the flower out of the ground.

      She placed the flower in Raditz's hair. And placed one last kiss on his cheek. An aircraft landed and people came out of it. "Oh no! We're too late!" Said the short bald man. They stepped up to Goku, not seeming to notice (y/n) sitting next to Raditz. "Looks like they won to the looks of it. Hey who are you?" Asked the woman. "Raditz is my father. The green man took Gohan if you were wondering. Said he was gonna train him." The young girl said.

     "Raditz was your father? I feel bad for you kid. How about you stay at my place? I mean I'm gonna be at Roshi's until later but you can stay at my house since you got nowhere to go. And I'm guessing your a saiyan since you've got that tail." The blue haired woman said. "Okay I'll stay with you. And you won't have to worry about cutting my tail off because I can hide it along with my ability to turn ape in a full moon." (Y/n) responded.

        As they were about to leave, the young girl held her father's hand for one last time. Then they left in the air craft to Roshi's house.


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