Chapter 6 The Start of Something More

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{y/n's POV}
       These two days I spent with Gohan were amazing. Now it was Monday again and it was time to go back to school.
   {Gohan's POV}
        I woke up embracing (y/n). I'm so glad she's finally mine. Apparently she was a wake and she knew that I was awake because she told me "Gohan, get up." I just groaned and stayed in place. "Gohan. Get up or we'll be late." She said sternly. I buried my head into her neck and slipped my hand up her tank top. "Gohan. Get up. Now." She said angrily. I groaned and stood up, watching (y/n) stand up.

      We both stood up and walked to the bathroom. "Join me in the shower?" I asked her, smiling. "Glad to." She said, smiling back. We both stripped down and hopped into the shower. (Y/n) was facing me as the water fell on her (h/c) hair. She reached up and kissed me. I kissed her back as the kiss deepened and I ran my hands through her wet hair.

       We pulled away for air as we finished showering. When we changed and headed out we flew to school and headed to class.

    (Time skip to lunch)
        I headed to my locker so then I could meet up with (y/n). Videl came up to me. "What do you want?" I said, irritated. "I've seen you and (y/n) are more friendly with each other. I'm guessing you two are dating?" She replied, acting sweetly. "As a matter of fact we are and I am trying to meet wi-" I was cut off when Videl kissed me. She seemed to be looking behind me. I pulled away and turned around to see a teary eyed (y/n). She ran away and I called out to her as she didn't listen.

"What did you do?" I growl at Videl. She was smirking yet her eyes had fear written all over them. "I just thought that if I can't convince her to get away from you, why can't you make her get away from you." She said. I was furious. I wanted to murder her right there and then. But it wasn't the right time. "I will say this again. Nothing you do will make me date a Petty, selfish, inconsiderate, evil bitch like you. If I ever see you near us again I'll kill you right there and then." I tell her before running off to find (y/n). I checked behind the school and the wasn't there. She wasn't in any of her classes or at home. She wasn't at Bulma's house either.

What if i never find her? I suddenly feel her energy and follow it. To my surprise, I find her in the waste land where we fought Cell. I landed next to her. "(Y/n)! I was looking everywhere for you!" I yelled at her. "I remember the first time you kissed me here. I didn't like you, but I melted into the kiss for a second. It didn't feel right so I pulled away. But I thought maybe, just maybe, we might have something in the future. I guess I was wrong." She said. I heard the hurt in her voice as she spoke. I hugged her from behind. "(Y/n), I love you. I would never hurt you." I whispered into her ear. She turned around and faced me with her glassy eyes.

"If you really loved me would you be kissing another girl?!" She yelled at me, tears pouring out of her eyes. "It was Videl. She kissed me. And would it really look like I would fall for someone like her?" I said wiping her tears. She paused for a second and looked down. "I guess not." She said. I raised her chin so she could look at me and I planted a
small kiss on her lips. "Let's head back. We still have like 15 minutes of lunch left." We flew back to school and quickly got our lunches.

We sat under a tree and ate our lunches and spoke a bit. We finished our lunches a bit early so we decided to relax. I picked her up and placed her on my lap. She turned around, her legs on either side of my waist. She snuggled her head into my neck as I ran my hands up and down her back. "I love you Gohan." She said. "I love you too (y/n)." I whispered into her ear. I felt her smile into my neck. The bell rang. We had next period together so we walked to our lockers and headed there.

(Time skip to after school at home)
We are sitting at dinner with Goten and mom. "So Gohan, I heard you and (y/n) are dating now." Mom says with a smile on her face. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. "Uh um uh" I struggled for the right words. "I knew it! Gohan and (y/n) sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Goten cooed. "Goten stop! Your making me blush!" (Y/n) said covering her face. "I knew you guys were end up together I just knew it! Wait until I tell Bulma and the others!" Mom yelled.

"I knew you had it in you Gohan!" Said Dad.* "Next time give me a warning Goku. You scared the crap out of me!" (Y/n) said clutching her chest out of surprise. "Hehehe sorry about that." Dad said scratching the back of his head. "I'm so proud of you Gohan! Getting the girl of your dreams!" Dad said. "Daaaad." I said. (Y/n) was as red as an apple. "And you didn't clean up that mess you made the other day that well." Mom said. Our faces got redder as mom and dad kept laughing. "Huh? What mess?" Goten said. "You'll understand when your older." (Y/n) said. Goten brushed it off but still had a confused expression. We talked the whole night until we finally went back to sleep.

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