Chapter 9 A Future Ahead of Us

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{Gohan's POV}
(Time skip until last year of HS
I can't believe that graduation is tomorrow. (Y/n) and I got accepted to the same college and we start in a few weeks. We were in our room speaking about graduation. "We should pick our outfits now instead of tomorrow morning." She said. I nodded and started walking to the closet. "What about this?" I asked, holding a whit button down with rolled up sleeves and jeans with a blue bow tie and blue shoes. "That looks good but how about you try it on after I look and Change into mine?" She says. I agree with Her as she looks into the closet. "How about this?" She picks out a black skirt and a white button up with black wedges. What? I know my thing around women's shoes. "That looks amazing. I'll change here and you change in the bathroom and on the count of three you come out." I say. She nods and heads into the bathroom.

I change and quickly take off my clothes and put on the other clothes. Ugh, these stupid glasses get in the way of everything. "Are you done?" I call out to her as she responds with yes. We count to three and she walks out. Oh my Kami, she looks so fucking fine. She stares at me as I stare at her and she gets a nosebleed. "Uh you're nose is bleeding." "Yours too." I quickly wipe off the blood. I sit on the bed and she sits on my lap facing me. "You know, after these two years that i have with you, I have never seen you in heels or a skirt." I say, trailing my hands up and down her legs. "I never thought that you would look this hot in this outfit." She says looking at me, eyes lustful. I quickly peck her on the lips. "Not now. Save it for our anniversary party tomorrow after the graduation." I whisper in her ears. She pouts at me. "So what? We have to wait." "It's like they say, the longer the wait, the better the reward." I say, whispering the last part in her ear. She gets off my lap and we walk downstairs to show mom our outfits. She looks at us and claps her hands together. "Gohan you look so handsome! And you (y/n) look so sophisticated and cute! I love it!" She smiles.

We smile back at her and go back upstairs and change back into the clothes we were wearing before. "Oh and I forgot to tell you guys that were heading to the Kame House right now so get ready!" I heard mom yell from downstairs. We walked back downstairs to where mom was and flew off to the Kame House while I carried mom.

(Time Skip)

So we were just talking and catching up like old times laughing and remembering. "So Gohan, (Y/n) I heard that you guys have been dating for awhile." Bulma said. "Yeah, we are. tomorrow's actually our two year anniversary and we were thinking of having a party." (Y/n) said. "But isn't your graduation tomorrow?" Trunks asked. "Yeah but the graduation is early in the morning and we were thinking of having the party at night." I said. "Awesome night party!" Trunks and Goten cheered. Everyone laughed together.

Bulma tapped my shoulder and motioned for me to meet her in the next room. "I'll be back." i said to (y/n) as she responded with a nod. "Gohan, did (Y/n) anything for your anniversary?" Bulma asked. I shook my head. "What?! Well did you get her anything last year?" She asked. "Yeah, I got her a necklace that she wanted out of surprise." I said. "Well that's good. But you have to get her something this year!" She said. "But what?" I asked her. "I have just the thing." she said with a smile on her face.

(Time skip)

They were calling people up to get their diplomas. (Y/n) got her diploma and I did too. Once everyone got their diplomas, the principal started to finish his speech. "And congratulations to those students that graduated. By the power invested in me, I declare you high school graduates!" the teacher yelled, as all the students threw up their graduation caps. I pressed my lips against (y/n)'s. When we pulled away, she was full of tears. "We graduated!" she yelled happily.

(Time Skip)
{Y/N's POV}

Gohan and I were getting ready for the party. I wore skinny jeans, grey wedges and a grey crop hoodie (sorry i have a thing with crop hoodies. it can be a normal hoodie if you want). We were at Bulma's house since its bigger. We walked downstairs into the backyard. "There's the honorary couple!" Chi-Chi yelled, kinda slurrishly. She must be drunk. Everyone turned to us. I blushed at all the attention and felt nervous. Gohan held my hand and I instantly felt less nervous. We walked into the crowd of people and chatted with everybody.

(Time skip)

"Gohan!"i called out to him. "Yeah?" he asked me. "I got you something for our anniversary." I said. i took out a wristwatch from my pocket. His eyes gleamed with surprise. "It's amazing!" He said. "I'm glad you like it." I said. "I actually got you something too." he said nervously. "he pulled out a box with a ring. I gasped. "I love you with all my heart. I have never met anyone like you. I want to spend my life with you (Y/n), and I promise to always be by your side." He said before putting the ring on my finger. My eyes were full of tears and I engulfed him in a hug.
He had gotten me a promise ring.

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