Chapter 12 Ressurection of F

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  {Y/n's POV}
        I woke up and walked outside the temple and flew outside to the garden. "Hey what's all the noi-" I was stopped short when I realized who was there. "G-goku?! Vegeta?! What are you two doing here?" I asked surprised. "Oh hi (y/n). We're training here with Whis." Goku said. "I see you gave birth to the baby already." Vegeta said. I nodded. 'Yeah, six months ago.' I thought. There was a silence. "Why did you leave?" Goku asked. "Why did you leave? I know it wasn't because of what Videl said." He said. "I don't know why. What she said just made me think, what if Gohan doesn't love me anymore? What if he doesn't want to have this baby and he leaves me one day? I just... panicked and left." I said, looking down. "That's it? That's what you were worried about?" Vegeta asked. I slowly nodded. "Gohan hasn't left his house in ages! And I bet you that everyday he visits the nursery you guys made for the baby and he hopes that one day you'll go back." Goku says.

       I look off to the side, eyes glassy. "Maybe I will go back." I finally say. "Can we see the baby?" Goku asked, eyes beaming. I nodded and headed back to the temple and carried the baby slowly and flew back to the garden. "This is Hiromi. She's six months old." I say as I carefully place Hiromi in Goku's hands. He carried her and carefully threw her up in the air as she giggled. He used to much force as he threw Hiromi too high up and I flew up a little and caught her. "Hehe, sorry." Goku apologized. "I got a message from Bulma." Whis says. Whis plays the message and responds to Bulma, telling her that we'll be there in a bit. "They're in trouble. We have to go." Goku said. "But it'll take 7 minutes to get over there." Whis said. "Can't you use instant transmission?" I asked. Goku tried to get a signal of energy from Earth as he could not find any. He kept trying as there was a sudden surge of energy which helped Goku locate Earth. I put my hand on Goku's shoulder while I held Hiromi with the other, and Vegeta hesitantly held Goku's hand. Goku then transported us to Earth where we found Freiza there.

I hurried off to where the others were to not interfere in the battle that was about to emerge. "(Y/n)!" Goten and Trunks cried as they hugged me. "We missed you!" Goten said. "I missed you guys too." I said as I smiled at them. "Nice to see you again." Bulma says. "Hey Bulma." I smile at her. "Can I carry the baby (y/n)?" Goten asked. I nodded at him as I carefully placed Hiromi in his arms. "Shes so small." Trunks said. Hiromi laughed and tugged Trunks' hair. "Hey! Ouch! let go!" He said. I chuckled and took Hiromi from Goten's hands. "That's enough Hiromi." I said. I felt someone hug me from behind. They dug their head into my neck as they cried. I knew exactly who it was and i bit my lip to keep myself from crying. "Why? Why did you leave for so long?" He said softly. I stayed silent, tears threatening to spill. "I waited for you everyday, hoping that you would finally come home. Nine months. I waited nine months for you everyday and you finally decide to come. You had our baby without me. I missed the first six months of our baby's life, (Y/n). Why? why did you-"

"You wanna know why, Gohan?! You wanna know why? Because I was afraid of the future! Our future! I was afraid that you would leave me!" I yelled as I pulled away from his grasp. "But I didn't. Its normal for you to think that. I would never leave you because I love you (y/n)." Gohan said. "Well then prove it. Say it to the whole world if you have to." I said. "I love you (y/n) (l/n)." he whispered into my ear. "Why did you whisper it into my ear?" I said softly. "Because you are my world." he whispered softly. I bursted into tears. "I'm sorry I ever left." I managed to choke out. Once i calmed down, Gohan took Hiromi from my arms. "Her name's Hiromi." I told Gohan. "That's a beautiful name. Hiromi, I'm your dad." He said, looking softly at Hiromi. "D...Da....dada" Hiromi said her first word! "Please tell me that was her first word." Gohan said. I nodded happily. "That's right Hiromi! I'm your dad!" Gohan said lifting her up in the air. Hiromi and I were giggling.

We were finally a happy family.

A/N- I'n not going to be able to update again until Dragonball Super is done with the Ressurection of F saga and they move on to another part of the show.

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