Chapter 7 Take it Head On!

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(Time skip to One week later)
{Gohan's POV}
I woke up snuggling (y/n). Thank kami we don't have school this week.
I felt something tickling me. I look down and see (y/n)'s tail. I forgot that we had our tails hidden. How long ago did I hide it? Like 10 years ago? Anyways, I decided to reveal it. I tangled my tail with hers.

I held her closer to me. I could hear her soft breathing. I look at her face and see she has a worried expression. I kiss her forehead and she wakes up and smiles. "Good morning my ray of sunshine" I say. "Good morning my darling." She responds. "How about we take a bath together?" I say. "I'd love to. Don't forget the bubbles!" She said. I chuckled and nodded. (Y/n) stayed on the bed while I got the bath ready.

      I called her over, but she responded with "that's too much work." Ah, her signature slogan. I sighed and walked over to her and picked her up. I dropped her in the tub, clothes and all. Her wet hair covered her face as she looked at me through her (h/c) locks. She chased me around the house. "Gohan you mischievous rat come over here!" She yelled as she chased me. I ran down the stairs in hope of losing her. I heard loud thunks as I looked behind me and saw (y/n) faced down on the floor. "(Y/n)! Are you okay!" I asked her

     She looked up with teary eyes. "This is all your fault Gohan if you hadn't dropped me in the tub I wouldn't have chased you and if you hadn't walked down the stairs I wouldn't have fallen!" She whined. "Okay, okay show me where it hurts." She pointed to her knee, chin and head. I kissed her in those places. "All better." She nodded with a smile on her face. I carried her to the bathroom and put her down so we could strip down. I got in first and she got on my lap. I wrapped my tail around her waist as she wrapped hers around mine. I put my hands on top of hers as she nestled her head onto my chest. After a few seconds, (y/n) fell asleep. I closed my eyes and found myself drifting off to sleep too.

  (After 10 minutes)
     "Gohan! Gohan! Wake up!" I heard (y/n) say. "We went to sleep for 10 minutes. It's time to get out." We hopped out the tub and changed. I helped (y/n) dry her hair. We walked downstairs to eat breakfast. (Y/n) changed into skinny jeans and a button up with the sleeves rolled up.

      "So I heard the tournament is being held today." (y/n) mentioned. "I'm guessing you want to enter then?" I said. She nodded. "Cool. I guess I'll enter too. How about you Goten, Gohan?" Dad asked. We both nodded. After we finished eating, we contacted the others that decided to join the tournament.

(Time skip til everyone defeated the weak people)

      "And the winner is Gohan!"* the announcer said. The crowd roared with excitement. "You're up next." Gohan said to me. "Our next competitors are (y/n) and Videl!" The announcer said.

     I balled my fists. "Not her again." I growled. (Y/n) seemed to be angry too. I swear after this tournament I will murder her. "See you later Gohan." She says and I say the same to her. She and Videl were in the ring. They stared each other down, the intensity of their glares visible. "And let the fight...begin!" The announcer said.

    They charged at each other...
(A/n- Cliffhanger XD)

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