Chapter 11 Conceived

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{Y/n's POV}
             I was at home while Gohan worked. I was currently 6 months pregnant and was off the job because of the whole baby situation. We decided to keep the gender a surprise for when we actually have the baby. I heard the doorbell ring. That must be Gohan! I carefully walked to the door and opened it. "I didn't expect to see you so ear-" I stopped short when I realized who it was at the door. "Videl." I growled. "Hello to you too." She said as she entered. "What are you doing here?" I growled, glaring at her. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant." She said. "Good for you. Is that all?" I said, trying to make her leave my house as soon as possible. "Gohan's the father." She said. My eyes widened. "No way." My lip quivered. A smirk came on her face. "I'll leave you alone for now."  She said walking out of the house. I sat on the couch, weeping. I know what I should do.

     {Gohan's POV}
          I arrived later than usual at home. I used my keys to open the door instead of the doorbell so I wouldn't wake (y/n). I slowly stepped into the living room to make my way into the bedroom, but something caught my eye. It was a note.
  'Dear Gohan,
      Videl passed by today and told me she was pregnant with your baby. I decided to leave, forever. Obviously you don't love me like you used to. Go take care of the woman you really love, and have the family that you really want. She can give you more than I ever could.
         Goodbye forever,
            She ran away with the baby? Alone? There is no way I could find her. I got teary eyed as I stared down at the letter. I lost my (y/n) forever. There is no way I'll be able to find her. Why would she run away? I soon felt anger built up in me. Videl. I flew off to Mom's house. I asked them is they had seen (y/n) they shook their heads. I left and headed towards Bulma's house. I asked if they had seen her, and they hadn't. I headed to the Kame House and asked. Same response. I can't go back home without (y/n). I searched everywhere for her and nothing. I found myself in a wasteland. I sat down on the ground. Where could she be? What if she's in danger? I guess I can't do anything anymore, she's no where to be seen. I sat there for awhile, eventually falling asleep on the rocket ground.

     {y/n's POV}
          "Are you sure you want to do this?" Whis asked me as me watched Gohan look around from Whis' staff. "I'm sure," I told Whis.
                 "I'll be here for a while."

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