Chapter 16

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Loud thunder sounded from the sky as the rain fell like wet bullets. The rain was so heavy it seemed to sting as is hit my golden pelt. I was bolting through the forest as lighting filled the sky.

"Insane lombax, this is your future!" Hissed the voice that has been in my head. The voices words seemed to echo inside my head as I continued to run.

My crystal blue eyes kept their gaze on clearing as I neared it. As I entered the area I saw a huge white male lombax with reddish brown stripes. My eyes widened as I saw his face, the right side of it was solid black and his eye was a neon green with a scar of the same color coming form it. The left side of his face was normal and his eye was red and yellow. His right ear was nothing more than a few strands of fur and flesh while and he was dressed in gray plated armor with the Kelix stone placed in certain areas.

"W-who are you!" I said while taking out a sword that was in a sheath on my back. When did I get a sheath?

He gave a wide smirk reviling razor sharp fangs. "I am Alister Azimuth." He then took out a double sided omni wrench with sparks off electricity flying form it. We both began to circle one another while keeping eye contact.

"What do you want from me?" I asked in a growl.

"I'm going to kill you Mindi, and there's nothing you can do about it because your pathtic father nor your pathtic brother are here to save you." His words seemed to be made of ice because that's how cold they where.

"There's a lot I can do!" I hissed in anger while raising my sword upwards slightly. I could feel my tail begin to swish in anger of the lombax that stood before me.

"Your nothing more than a frail mistake that needs her family to keep her out trouble." He spat.

I raised the sword higher as I darted towards this Alister Azimuth. When ever I got close he raised his right hand which was covered with a sharp blade and swung it at met. I felt warm blood drip my wound as I fell down onto the group.

"Pathtic mistake." He said while coming closer to me and placing the sharp blade against my throat. I was pearlized by fear and couldn't move. My breaths seemed to be almost nothing as I looked at the lombax standing in front of me.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I heard Kaden yell as Alister was dragged away form me. Kaden had thrown Alister on the ground and was now holding the sword that I had dropped during my fall in his hands. "I'm not letting you kill her." He hissed while placing the blade against Alister's neck.

Alister looked up at Kaden with his one good eye. "Why protect her now when you got rid of her elven years ago." He stated while quickly jamming the blade into Kaden's stomach.

My eyes widened in fear as Kaden fell onto the ground with fear fill eyes. "DAD!" I cried out.

Alister stood up and walked towards me. "Watch as he bleeds out." Alister placed his hand on my shoulder as I watched my own father struggle to cling onto life. I felt warm tears form in my eyes at though and knew that I was about to break down into tears.

"No...." Was the only thing I was able to say.

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