The Meeting part 2

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Brokenstar's POV....

My sister looks down at her neat, delicate paws for a while, contemplating my threat. I glare at her harder, letting her know the I am serious. She looks up and she says, "I am prepared to defend my clan to the end, but I don't really want to fight these warriors. If I lead my warriors to war against Sparkclan, we will have more littermates fighting to the death, turning on family....", she takes a long pause, "I will not do that to my warriors, not to my most trusted friends." she finished. "Well then, is someone afraid, da?", I taunt her. Her head snaps up and she has tears in her eyes, "I will not lead my cats into a battle that they can't win..." She says, voice cracking. "There will be battle in three sunrises, and the war will be at dawn, we will be ready for you. You best be too, and if you choose not to show.....", I paused, "Then you will all be slaughtered, one by one", I hear her let out a low hiss, and see a patrol of Frostclan warriors come from the rocks. I recognize my sister's warriors, Rosepaw, Firetail, Skywalker, Arcticfur, and the two medicine cats, lurking behind, looking scared. "Oh, how impressive, now it's my turn..." I say as I crack my whip-like tail in the air twice, sounding the loud signals. I can see the fear grip their faces as my warriors snarl and step out of the blackness. I can feel my apprentice, Nightpaw, and my deputy at my side in an instant. I look to my left and see Sandfoot's yellow eyes glow as she nods her head, approving my war threat."And I assure you, if you decide not to show, I'll see to Spiderkit and Mistykit myself. Wouldn't they be sooo happy to see their aunt again?". I can hear a low growl coming deep from Lunastar's throat as she gets ready to pounce. Suddenly Skywalker holds one coppery and black spotted front leg to Lunastar's chest to stop her, "Our battle is not to be fought at this time", he says, calming Lunastar. My warriors behind me have decided to make a scary exit I guess. After Duskstrike, Tigerstripe, and Spiritflight with Mudpaw, all growling a challenge for Frostclan to attack, Sandfoot, Rosepaw, And I swipe our claws into the air as I crack my tail in the night again. "We are strong. We are Sparkclan, and Frostclan warriors will never, ever, underestimate us again." I have made my point clear, if these cats treat us like this, they will pay the price.....

Firetail's POV....

This is it, this is how we meet Starclan. We're finished if Sparkclan is serious. These warriors are too strong, too powerful, and too much like ourselves. Not to mention that these cats are our kin. We might have treated them badly, and we may deserve this, but we are all too young to be meeting our demise. And Lunastar just got personally threatened with the kit part. I would have never thought that Brokenstar could be so cruel as to threaten her sister's kits. They have done no wrong, how could she?!

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