Truce of the apprentices

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Nightpaw's POV

I woke to the feeling that I was being watched, and to no surprise, Sronepaw was there staring strait at me. "Dammit Stonepaw, you're making me uncomfortable again," I hissed. "It got you awake didn't it, eh. There was no other way, Brokenstar wants us all for training, and you were here snoring like a badger." The youngest apprentice retorted sassily. "Alright, alright, I'm comin'." I mumbled miserably.

Le time skip-------

"Hahaha, you're too slow Stonepaw", I taunted the newest apprentice. This was what he gets for teasing me about being slow. Who was he to speak when his paws are as heavy as, well stones. I guess you could say his name was very fitting. I barely had time to dodge a swift blow to the back leg when he leaped on top of me, crushing the air from my lungs and leaving me sore and defeated....

Stonepaw's POV

"Well well, looks like this "rookie" has just won this round, maybe you shouldn't underestimate me just because I'm younger." I hiss in Nightpaw's face as she tries to regain her breath. "Maybe.... You're right.... I'm sorry Stonepaw. Truce?" She offers, "Truce..", I agree. "Let's head back to camp and see if there's any patrols to be joined", I say. "Race you back!"

Spiritflight's POV

Brokenstar and I are out on patrol, trying to hunt for herbs but our minds are preoccupied. "Do you think we can actually win this, Sandfoot?", my friend asks, her voice raw and full of emotion. "I am not for certain, but I am sure Starclan will give us a sign, soon." I have never seen Brokenstar this... broken before. So tragically scarred by her past brought up. I stop her to look her in the eyes," There's something you're not telling me, has Starclan already showed you something?", I ask my old pal. Her response threw me off guard, I had mentally prepared my self for anything. Anything but this...

------------------- Sorry Its short, but I have a broken ankle and ran out of ideas

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