Snowstar's Prophecy

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Snowstar's POV

As my daughters touch their noses to the sparkling waters of the pool, I swiftly act through their minds to meet them. Seeing them lay still side by side without me so grown up and bold makes my heart ache with sorrow that I wasn't there as wanted to have been. But I have no time for grieving now, my daughters have met in dream to sit in front of me. None of them say a word, but instead watch me with care. One set of blood red eyes, cruel and unforgiving. While another, soft green, peaceful and kind. I sat in front of the leaders and began my message...

"Fate has been cruel and order unkind

How can I have left so soon?

The blame was my own; the punishment, yours

Starclan was silent that day

But for the time being I will your company keep

While I lay down a prophecy for you to comprehend

Before the blood can be shed

The broken warrior shall be once more

But her chaos rests now in moonlight's embrace

But when she rises to the touch of the Crested warrior

The path of the brother's wrath will rest in her paws

The Crested warrior shall fall to the claws of the Dark

But when she rises again

She will be soon distraught by shattered Ice

And the once whole crest will crack

Broken warrior, Crested warrior, farewell daughters of mine

Rest now For the dawn and battle ahead of us

The moons now before us are

Fearful and unknown

I never imagined

You'd face them without me

May these words guide you

Swiftly wake to the dawn

I love you; I miss you",

I ended as a farewell to my brave little leaders, hoping things would be set right.....

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