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Lunastar's POV

As the dawn's light soaked into the den, I knew that that something must be done; I must make things right with Brokenstar.


"No, stop. Please Brokenshade, you don't have to do this.", I say shakily as my own sister holds her claws to the sides of my throat. "You are right Lunacrest, but this does ", she says as she sprints away from me and directly towards Snowstar. Before I can get to my paws, she leaps on top of the gleaming tom and knocks him off his feet. After a horrific grappling moment, Snowstar looks as though he has won, Brokenshade lying still beneath his paws. As my sister's followers start to gawk horrified, they form a large circle around their fallen unofficial leader. Snowstar gazes down to his paws to Brokenshade, his own daughter, and to her friends and his clanmates' glares as if he can't believe she's dead. Snowstar lowers his forehead to his daughter's in grief and longing. However, I see her chest rising and falling ever so slightly. Before I can call out a warning to my father, Brokenshade launches her dark head up and grabs his throat between her sharp, bloodied teeth. She grapples him again, but because Snowstar is in shock, he has no time to land more than one blow on Brokenshade. "I'm so sorry", she hisses as she has him pinned down, " but you won't recognize me like you should. And for that I declare that my cats and I shall now be known as Sparkclan. While you shall be known no more", and with she slit Snowstar's throat with one powerful swipe. As he convulsed and soon lay still, he regained a life and repeated to die over and over again until all five lives were gone. The members of Frostclan gazed on horrified at the strong she-cat standing above Snowstar with her blazing red eyes. "Let this be known as the battle of the Spark, for when you've lost a great leader, and many more great friends...", she said as all of the warriors who believed her strode towards the camp barrier of frosted ferns and at that moment became our rivals.....


Sorry it's short but it explains how Sparkclan came to be 

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