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Brokenstar's POV

"DUSKSTRIKE, SANDFOOT, NIGHTPAW, STONEPAW, DUSTYPAW, RAVENTAIL, SNAKEHEART, BADGERCLAW, AND SPIRITFLIGHT. YOU ARE NEED TO FOLLOW ME AS FAST AS POSSIBLE TO THE FROSTCLAN CAMP. AN EVIL WARRIOR WITH INCREDIBLE POWER BEYOND EVEN MINE IS ATTACKING.", I quickly screech into the camp as my requested warrior file out. "Let's go then", Sandfoot says gruffly, "This way everyone!". We sprint faster than ever before, leaping over brambles and bushes to help those in need. And we don't stop until we reach Lunastar's camp entrance. After reaching the fern and thistle barrier, we burst in to see Lunastar and Icepaw battling Darkheart, but Skywalker is over on the other side battling the same cat with Owlpaw. I know what's going on, Darkheart used this in training. He can split himself into copies while the original one does something terrible. "CATS OF SPARKCLAN ATTACK THE COPIES OF DARKHEART AND TRY TO FIND THE ORIGINAL!!", I command my warriors as they spring into action.

I quickly bound over to my sister and Icepaw to help them with the Darkheart closest to the nursery. Icepaw has his shoulders pinned down while Lunastar swipes mercilessly at his nose and eyes. I leap in to rip his belly open from underneath him and Icepaw. He disappears in a cloud of smoke, this one was clearly no original. A loud screech sounds from the other end of camp. "Rosepaw, no", my sister exclaims and runs towards her apprentice by the frosted pine. She leaps onto the back of the dark tom that has her and bites down on his neck to ,only be thrown off roughly. "Not today Darkheart I say as I slice the top of his head easily. Rosepaw is bleeding from many spots, so I haul her my back, wobbling towards Echowhispers and Squirrelpaw so she can be healed. After I drop Rosepaw, I dash to the elder's den to find a certain ginger spotted old queen. To my surprise, a copy of Darkheart was grappling with her. "No, Berryfoot, watch out!!", I yowl at her as I see Darkheart make a move towards her head. But before she can get hit, Snowpaw comes out of nowhere, taking the blow and latching himself to the powerful tom's back and dragging him to the floor of the elder's den. Lunastar appears behind me trying to land a fatal blow to the dark tom copy. But this copy looks different, the eyes shine and the paws are only slightly translucent. This is no copy. This is the original...

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