bruises and "bruises"

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a/n: this one's a bit PG-13, just warning u

Scott and I were halfway through "The One with Ross's Sandwich" when we both started getting a little bored. We were both too lazy to change into pajamas, or turn off the TV, nonetheless, so we just laid there. Scott was laying back on the pillows, craning his neck so he could see the TV, and I wrapped my legs and arms around him, my head turned just enough to see the TV.

He started playing with my hair and rubbing my temples with his strong thumbs. He cleared his throat and started sitting up slightly. I rolled to the other side of the bed to give him room, and he rolled right over me and started kissing my neck. I rolled my eyes at his little trick and let him continue.

"Hey Mitch?" He said in a low voice, close to my ear.


"We don't have to be cautious of where we bite."

"You would be correct."

He sat up and made eye contact. We were both giggling like idiots, and smiling through our kisses. He started kissing and biting down my jaw and neck, lifting up my shirt once he reached my collarbones. I lifted my arms, allowing him to remove it all the way, and throw it on the ground. He continued working at my neck and collarbones while I played with his hair. I broke the silence by accidentally laughing at something Monica said.

Scott sat up and gave me a look.

"Sorry!" We both laughed. I grabbed the remote and set it to one of those "relaxing" channels that look like screen-savers on an old computer, and muted the TV.

He smiled, sitting on the balls of his feet in between my calves. I sat up on my knees, kneeling up so I was almost matching his height. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him warmly, craving touch. He put his hands on my bare sides, reaching his long fingers across my back into an almost-hug.

I tugged at the back of his shirt, demanding it off. He let me go from his grasp and pulled his shirt off, threw it on top of mine, and shoved me back down on the bed. He kissed down my collarbone and chest some more, fidgeting with the button of my jeans. He positioned himself further down on the bed, gently sliding my pants down my legs. 

He had to stand off of the bed for a moment, to get them off of my ankles, and removed his jeans in the process. Once back in his original position, he began planting kisses right above the hem of my briefs. He looked up at me with icy blue, puppy dog eyes.

"May I?" His fingers were curling around the hem by my hip, touching bare skin for the first time.

"Yee - oh, wait!" 

He turned his head like a confused dog while I sat up, gently sliding my legs up from around him, and walked over to the Target bag. I disappeared into the bathroom for ten minutes. When I walked back out, Scott was walking to the bed with two condoms and the purple box of lubricant. I grabbed one of the foil packages and tried to open it with my nimble fingers.

"Do you want me to try?"

"No, I think I got it. I, ughh, what? Ugh. Here!" I shoved the package in his direction and, after about two tries, he got it open. I crawled back onto the bed and sat up at the headboard.

"I loosened it for you."

"Sure ya did, hon."

"Don't "hon" me!" He rolled his eyes and threw the foil in the trash can under the nightstand.

"Um, do you want to, uh." I pinched the fabric of my briefs.

"Uh, yeah." We were both laughing. So fucking awkward.

He set the rolled up condom on the nightstand and, gently, added my underwear to our clothes pile. I started fumbling with the condom, unrolling it just slightly to put it on.

"Um, I think that's how it goes? Yeah!" I started rolling it down like I had maybe seen someone do on, like, TV or something? I feel like everyone subconsciously knows how to put on a condom, somehow.

"They don't teach you this stuff in health class, do they?" Scott said.

"They don't even mention condoms in health class."

"You're correct there."

Scott smiled at me and doubled over laughing. I pushed at his chest, making him sit up again, unable to stifle a laugh with him

"C'mon! Are we, like, doing this, or?" I said, trying to sound serious, which is a difficult thing to do when you can't stop giggling.

"Yeah, yeah, I, phew." He took a deep breath to stop laughing, and gave me a playful smirk, unable to hide his laughter.

"Is it weird that I feel weird being the only one not naked?" He said.

"You say that like there's eight people in the room, and all of them are naked."

"Still! I'm the only person in the room wearing clothing."

"That's almost like saying "Is it weird that I feel weird being the only one in the room named Mitchell?""

"I see where you're coming from."

"You can be not-naked! You're one garment away, I believe in you."

"Do you wanna do it?" He offered.

"That is a question I have always wanted to say yes to."

"That is a question to which I have always wanted to say yes, Mitchell."

"Would you shut up and let me remove your underwear?" He snorted laughing and laid down on the bed, horizontally, so I could get off the bed and remove it with ease, and add it to the pile.

I laid next to him on my side, both of our feet hanging off of the bed.

"God, Mitch, I love you so much."

"I love you more." I grabbed the side of his head and pulled him into a quick kiss.

"Not possible." He said, pulling me into another, longer kiss. 

"Hey, if we're gonna do this, we might want to close the blinds."

"Oh, you don't think the whole city of Chicago wants to see some gay sex?"

"I think they see enough of it, they can go without it for a night."

"I wonder how many people in the city of Chicago are partaking in gay sex."

"Just shut up and go close the blinds." He laughed and stood up to press the switch that closes the automated blinds.

"You have a very nice butt." I said.


"Yeah. It's all perky and built. Like, shaped by the gods or something. Or Michelangelo."

"Y'see, I actually believe in Michelangelo, so we'll go with that."


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