ten years (R)

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a/n: The tl:dr for the chapter is just "They have sex and it rocks." So if you want to skip the smut, you won't miss much.


"I'm sure you have a nice butt, too." Scott said, looking to me.

"You wouldn't know, would you?"

"That's why I said "I'm sure" you have one."

"What if it's not a nice butt?"


"Do you wanna see it? Get the full perspective view."

"I mean, it's only fair. You've seen mine."

"Okay, fine." I stood up and turned around.

"See, prime buttocks right there."

"You're so stupid." I said, turning around to sit back on the bed.

"Aw, it's all gone."

"You've gotta earn it!" I said with a smirk.

"How can I do that?" He leaned over me, causing me to lay back on the bed.

"Well, there's one way."

"I can only guess-"

"Exactly." He flashed me a million dollar smile and repositioned himself back to the end of the bed. I moved myself to my original position pre-condom trauma.

"Okay lets, like, bring back the moment." Scott said before clearing his throat and kissing my hip bone. He looked up at my with the same puppy eyes as before and said:

"May I?"

"Mmhm, please." He licked the length of my underside, and took the tip in his mouth.

It felt like a moment that all three years of our secret relationship had built up to. It felt so, so good. Not like, it felt good like that, even though it did, but things weren't happening yet. Well, some things weren't happening, but they weren't happening, happening.

He gave a few short sucks and two longs ones. After feeling I was properly ready, he opened the other condom and slid it on himself with much more ease than the last one.

"So, I'm just gonna warn you, I have no notion as to how this works." I said, waving my finger between us, as if he didn't know what "this" was referring to.

"Well, um, I've gotta, like, prep you. Have you ever had something, like, up there before?" I giggled a little.

"Um, no."

"Okay, then yeah, I've gotta, like, stretch you."

"How do you know how it works?"

"I read an article in the cab on the way back from Target."

"Very you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're a Virgo, soo." He rolled his eyes and opened the lubricant bottle. He put a hand up by his mouth like when people "tell a secret" in public.

"It's purple."


He told me what he was going to do before doing it when prepping me, kind of like a surgeon telling you about surgery, except a little more intimate. After fitting three fingers in, he applied some lube to himself and slid in the tip very, very slowly.

"Does it hurt?" He said.

"Only a little, I'm fine." I put both of my hands on his shoulders and kept my knees up.

He kept one hand on the bed for leverage and the other on me, knowing I crave touch more than anything. He started thrusting very slowly in the beginning, soaking in every bit of the moment. I let out a small moan as he was all the way in on the second or third time.

"Don't enjoy it too much, let it build." He said in a low, low voice.

"I love you." I whispered. He kissed my forehead and continued, thrusting a little faster each time. I started speaking once he reached a rhythm.

"Wanna hear a fun fact?" He looked down at us, mid-"activity," looked back to me, and laughed.

"Sure, why not." He continued to slowly thrust while I thought through my sentence.

"Ten years ago today, July 25th, was the very first rehearsal for our CATS play." He gasped and smiled like an idiot.

"Oh my god! So it's, like, our ten year anniversary."

"Exactly!" I had some difficulty getting the sentence out, trying to "let it build" is, like, kinda hard.

He continued, though, alternating between somewhat-fast and pretty slow. We maintained intense, passionate, not awkward eye contact the whole time. I knew it was called intimacy, but damn. I soaked in every little moan, breathy pant, and grunt you just can't quite hold in.

"Oh, I'mmmm, hmmm." Scott moaned into my ear. My mouth gaped when I couldn't hold it in anymore, the only thing holding me back from moaning as load as humanly possible was biting any part of his skin in front of me, which just so happened to be his collarbone.

I reached down to touch myself to finish, covering both of our stomach's. Once he finished, he pulled out, laid next to me, and wrapped his long arms around me, both of us still shuddering and gasping for air. We enjoyed being together in this position, as close as you can physically be to another human, tired enough to fall asleep. Scott took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and spoke.

"Do you want to take a shower?" I nodded yes. He rolled his condom off, tied it in a knot, wrapped it in a tissue, and threw it in the bathroom trash while he went to start the water. I did the same, grabbing both of pairs of our underwear on the way in.

Once we were standing under the relaxing, warm water, holding each other, we found ourselves able to breathe and speak.

"We should do that more often." I said. We both laughed.

"I love you, Mitch."

"I love you too, Scott." I said to his chest.

We did that couple shit in the shower were you wash each other. Neither of us had thought to bring our soap in there, so we used the hotels bar soap. It smelled like chamomile. Once we were clean, I turned on my sleep playlist while Scott brushed his teeth.

Scott walked out to of the bathroom, fixing his hair back. I was already under the covers, ready to turn the lamp off for when he crawled in with me. He got under the large, warm comforter, put his arms around my shoulders and intertwined legs with mine.

"Signing in with Mitch Grassi, we're here with Scott Hoying of Arlington. Now, Scott, you've just lost your virginity to your boyfriend of three years. Now, tell the fans, you still gay?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm still pretty gay."

"Great, thank you so much! And, your boyfriend, how do you think he took it?"

"I'd say he took it pretty well." I laughed, not having intended to make the pun.

"Um, yeah, I'd say he did to." I could barely finish the sentence I was laughing so hard.

"Oh my god, it's time for bed. I'm out." I said, tucking my head into his chest, and not saying another word before falling asleep, peacefully.

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